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Questions about mains and monitors
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Author:  hiteck [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Questions about mains and monitors

I plan on purchasing 1202 VLZ3 Mackie mixer and some sort of powered cabs (yet to be determined), and I already have some decent peavey unpowered monitors.

With this mixer should I be able to connect to the powered speakers and then run a small amp to power the floor monitors?

I have a Audio Centron powered floor monitor, but it's pretty heavy for a monitor and isn't all that great. Honestly I've never even heard of the brand but got it cheap.

My other question is do you typically run music through your monitors or just the mic input? As a singer I think I'd prefer to just hear me and not the music through the monitors.

Author:  Manobeer [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

hiteck @ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:26 pm wrote:
I plan on purchasing 1202 VLZ3 Mackie mixer and some sort of powered cabs (yet to be determined), and I already have some decent peavey unpowered monitors.

With this mixer should I be able to connect to the powered speakers and then run a small amp to power the floor monitors?

I have a Audio Centron powered floor monitor, but it's pretty heavy for a monitor and isn't all that great. Honestly I've never even heard of the brand but got it cheap.

My other question is do you typically run music through your monitors or just the mic input? As a singer I think I'd prefer to just hear me and not the music through the monitors.

Dont have that mixer but it seems to have control room(monitor) 1/4 outs on the back, you can feed them to an amp or powered speakers.

Author:  hiteck [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

That's what I was thinking, but wasn't 100% sure, and I didn't know if Control Room included all input sources or if it was selectable by channel(s).

Author:  Manobeer [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

hiteck @ Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:37 pm wrote:
That's what I was thinking, but wasn't 100% sure, and I didn't know if Control Room included all input sources or if it was selectable by channel(s).

Really not sure... On my mixer there is a knob on each and every channel to set what level gets sent to the monitor. On the Mackie I see three buttons right above the fader for the control room output.


Author:  Micky [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

hiteck @ Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:37 pm wrote:
That's what I was thinking, but wasn't 100% sure, and I didn't know if Control Room included all input sources or if it was selectable by channel(s).

Selectable channels, just press the solo button to send to control room/monitor :wink:

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

With that mixer you are going to want to connect the Aux 1 send to the monitor - be it a amp/speaker combo or powered speaker like you have. This will be an individual mix to the monitor through the Aux 1 so you can tailor your singers wants whether they want more vocal or more music etc., it will not affect the main mix that you control. Going through the control out is not going to give you any control, so if they want less music in the monitor, you will alo give them less music in the mains - making you as the host seem like you do not know you to run sound.
I've been to shows like this only to never return because the sound plain sucked as they were trying to mix for the singer on stage with the same mix in the crowd, this can only be acheived with the separate monitor mix.

Author:  hiteck [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Questions about mains and monitors

Lonman @ Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:44 am wrote:
With that mixer you are going to want to connect the Aux 1 send to the monitor - be it a amp/speaker combo or powered speaker like you have. This will be an individual mix to the monitor through the Aux 1 so you can tailor your singers wants whether they want more vocal or more music etc., it will not affect the main mix that you control. Going through the control out is not going to give you any control, so if they want less music in the monitor, you will alo give them less music in the mains - making you as the host seem like you do not know you to run sound.
I've been to shows like this only to never return because the sound plain sucked as they were trying to mix for the singer on stage with the same mix in the crowd, this can only be acheived with the separate monitor mix.

That makes sense I wasn't sure what the Aux's were for, and control room sounded (to me) like it should be the same mix as mains.

Thanks for the input guys. I appreciate your patience with me and helping me out. I'm relatively new to everything, but the singing. So if I sound ignorant, it's because I am...lol.

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