Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Custom made CDG only working in some players...
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Author:  daltman [ Wed May 26, 2004 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Custom made CDG only working in some players...

I have made my own karaoke CDGs using Dart karaoke and they have been successful (I found legal instrumentals of songs that no one has yet to release anywhere... specifically old pearl jam songs).

Anyway, they have been successful... to a point. I made it using Dart and saved it as a Bin file, I used MP3+G Toolz to give the bin file a matching cue file, and I used CDRWIN to burn it to a cd. My cheapie sharper image KTV player reads it fine. I get to the KJ, they put it in... it doesn't see the CDG data and appears to think it is but an audio CD disk (blue screen, no music).

They have two Karaoke CDG players there: JVC XLMV303 and JVC ESQMV333... very similar in appearance.

What do I need to do to get this working right in the JVCs (or any) karaoke player other than just my own?

I have looked high and low for this information. If anyone could help me, it would mean a lot. Thank you.

Author:  powerkaraoke [ Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dart software is known to create files that do not play well on some (mostly JVC) players. If you are looking for a similar software you might try PowerKaraoke from http://www.powerkaraoke.com.

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