KarenB @ Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:32 pm wrote:
I don't know, I wouldn't put the V2GO 100 in the low end consumer end unless you also lump in the CAVS, RSQ, Acesonic or even the old JVC and Pioneer decks and unlike the older machines the newer ones
are designed to be rack mounted. The big difference is that the older machines (besides being build like tanks, both size and weight), were strictly CDG format where the newer machine are multi-format and because of that load a little slower. Prices have come down from the days when a Pioneer V10G ran $400+, now days you can get a good quality machine for under $150.
Just my opinion.

Oh I did not call it low level consumer, just said that many in that class are mp3g compatible. If you feel this is pro level, I believe you... Just havnt seen it myself.