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sound card issue: multiple apps w diff sound drivers help me please.
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Author:  savy [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  sound card issue: multiple apps w diff sound drivers help me please.

I'm prepping for solo live performance 1-voc, one guitar and self prepared .bin (CD+G) karaoke files.

Presently I am using my basic older model D610 Lattitude dell laptop's sound card.
(I am planing to get a 2 channel USB audio interface with ASIO low latency drivers.

I require ASIO as my vocal rack consists of a VST effects Host App. rather than hardware. Plus guitar might be thrown in the loop to be effected with amp simulator software(also using ASIO...multi.

My Problem is in trying to play a CD+G or Karaoke .bin file in whatever Player ... none of which seems to get along well at all with the ASIO drivers running because it needs MME or whatever Windows sound drivers which produce way too much latency when running vst s . Yes both apps will work under win xp drivers but latency kills any result with trying to runn both apps at once.

Is ther such thing as a CDG player app that is ASIO capable?

Might my audio interface I've yet to get (yamaha Audiogram 6 or Fasttrack pro) help incorporate the different sound drivers and maintain a the lowest latency.

Or just use seperate laptops for the two functions?

Author:  JohnTheRevelator [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: sound card issue: multiple apps w diff sound drivers help me please.

I dunno if this is of any help... I regularly run karaoke out my laptop soundcard and background music out a USB soundcard. I have no idea if it will meet your needs, but here are the details:

http://john-the-revelator-does-karaoke. ... cards.html

Author:  Micky [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: sound card issue: multiple apps w diff sound drivers help me please.

I think you need to install this driver to run your vst and run your cdg player at the same time :roll:


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