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Help with a JVC XL MV303
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Author:  darylg [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Help with a JVC XL MV303

I am looking for some assistance using a JVC XL MV303. I do not have the user manual and I am unable to locate one on line. I am able to get the audio to play but how do I get the song words to display on a TV?

Thanks much!

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with a JVC XL MV303

Plug the Video out of the player into the video input on your tv, then you need to select that input on the tv. If there are no RCA inputs on the tv, you would need to get an RF converter, Radio Shack, Walmart, Target, Kmart all sell these. Then plug the players video out into the RF converter, and run a cable from the converter to the tv cable input.

If you have already done this and are still not getting words, on the back is a switch marked NTSC/PAL, switch it to NTSC (try the others, but pretty sure those won't work).
Now if you are STILL no getting words on the screen, you either have a bad video cord, the tv is not set on the correct channel or input, or you simply are not using a karaoke disc that contains the graphics.

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