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Author:  kenpat [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Hoster

I've been using Hoster for about nine years and am very happy with the software..present version 3.21 I have'nt upgraded because I was happy with what I've got... I'm wanting to upgrade to the newest version 4.21, also I just bought a new laptop (toshiba) with windows 7....the reason I'm upgrading is I want the singer history feature, the version I'm using now does'nt have that. How does the singer history work ? is it worth upgrading for ? upgrade cost ($69)..I have XP on my present laptop, will I have a problem installing on my new windows 7 laptop..woud you recomend buying XP for the new laptop...(backup computer)...

Author:  Karen K [ Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hoster

Since this is more of a technical question, I am moving it.

Author:  karaoke for food..... [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hoster

Kenpat, the newest ,mtu video hoster upgrade is 4.22. And yes by all means upgrade. You will be delighted by all the new features since you're old version. You will ask yourself how you got by without them for so long. 64 bit has been a pain for a lot of folks. Mtu has it down to a science now. Make sure you do all the required updates on your windows operating system as is required. Then download, and have the best show, with the best software out there. :D

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