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Budget Indestructible Microphones https://mail.karaokescene.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19587 |
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Author: | vtrod [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Budget Indestructible Microphones |
Hi All I often work at a specific venue that provides their own PA and discs. My problem is that for the last few months, their microphones have been having more and more problems and I believe it is time for them to buy a new set. They are not the types to 'worry' about the quality of their show, although I do my best to make it the best I can. I sometimes have to give out my microphones just to keep patrons happy. They do not pay me enough to cover any damage that might be caused to my equipment. Quality of sound aside, what can they buy CHEAP AS CHIPS that will serve as a microphone that people can swing around and that will work as a microphone and that will take a bit of a beating? Corded mics are fine. Please don't go into quality vs. price vs. sound discussions. They are NOT keen to spend too much money on an upgrade. Thanks Vic in Sydney |
Author: | jerry12x [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:15 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
I will let someone else answer that. Be aware. If they are going to swing them round... They need to be very light. Could cost you more in cables. |
Author: | KarenB [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
You might try the Samson R11. You should be able to get a three pack for $70 to $80. The feel and balance is good, and while the sound isn't great I've heard worse on mics that cost more. I've got a set that I use if I need more mics after I've handed out all 5 of my cordless. |
Author: | jeffsw6 [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:13 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
Honestly, vtrod, I would use SM58s. They are old-tech but extremely durable. The $100 price might look like a lot for a mic that is going to be abused, but when it's still working correctly after hundreds of gigs, you will be glad you didn't buy a cheaper mic and have to replace it several times. |
Author: | mrscott [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:25 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
The Behringer XM8500 mic is a good little durable mic. You can pick up a three pack for about 50 bucks in some places. Sound is pretty good, nothing like some of the higher end ones tho, but still very good for the price. |
Author: | stogie [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
You really want cheap? Get some Nady SP1s. You can get a mic, stand and cable for $25 at Musician's Friend. For $50 or even less if you shop around, you can get a Nady DKW Duo wireless mic set. I think I saw it for $39.99 on Amazon.com. There is a base with two separate volume controls and two handsets. It works great and they will last for years and years. The handsets are made of plastic, but they seem pretty durable to me. I've used mine on and off for two years with zero problems. The Nady SP5 three pack wired mic goes for $30 at Musician's Friend. I haven't used the SP5, only the SP1, but I'm sure for what you need them for they're fine. The Nady mics are decent sounding. They do have some handling noise, but I've used them many times with no problems at all. For cheapo mics they're quite decent and at the prices they sell for they can be replaced every few months if you want, but you won't have to, they'll last for many years. No way comparable to the SM58 which deserves all the praise that it gets. I've also used Samson mics and they are very good for the money. the Q6 comes in a 3 pack for $99 from Sam Ash. If youwant cheaper than that the Samson R21 three pack with case is only $50 at Sam Ash. A couple of years ago I got a three pack of Behringer mics complete with case off ebay for around $40 and you can probably still get the same deal. I think they are the XM1800S. Again, decent cheap mics with some handling noise but they sound pretty good and they'll last for years and then you can throw them away long ag\fter you got your money's worth. |
Author: | twansenne [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
Behringer of Samson for budget mics. I have had both, and they do a good job. But if you can afford it the Shure SM58 is much better. |
Author: | Lonman [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
SHure SM58 for both sound quality & durability. I've been using the same 3 mics since 94, 7 nights a week - they've been swung, flung, dropped, kicked, one even flew & hit a wall, they still work & sound as good as day 1. I replace the metal screen every so often & if one does go bad in the off chance, you can get it replaced with a new one from Shure directly for about half the cost of new - even after warranty runs out. |
Author: | neonmoon [ Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
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Author: | Bazza [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:43 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
You can buy a new $25 mic every six months or you can buy one $100 SM58 every ten years. If durability is the deciding factor, it's no contest. Your choice. ![]() |
Author: | TopherM [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
I've owned three Samson R11s, and they lasted about a year of two gigs a week. I've owned two Shure SM58s, and they have lasted six years of two gigs a week AN COUNTING. Samson R11 = $20.00 / 100 shows = $0.20 a show cost. Shure SM58 = $89.00 / 600 shows = $0.15 a show cost AND COUNTING. Get a Shure SM58. They can be had on EBay new for $79.00 if you are patient. If that is out of your budget, I would not HESITATE to buy a used SM58. I saw two on my local craigslist just last week for $40.00 each. As long as you can test that it gets a signal, it is in good shape, and will last you for YEARS!! |
Author: | mckyj57 [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
Good rule of thumb -- the more handling noise a mic has, the shorter time it will last. I recommend buying used SM58s. If you insist on something new, buy the $20.00 Behringer XM8500. Stay away from Nady and Samson low-end. Their handling noise tells you about the isolation and therefore the durability. Remember, that changing off-axis response is important too. If the mic doesn't pick up from certain directions, it's broken in my opinion. |
Author: | jerry12x [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
TopherM @ Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:12 pm wrote: Get a Shure SM58. They can be had on EBay new for $79.00 if you are patient.
I bought three on ebay. Each time I sent them back for a refund. Why can't I find one that isnt a fake. I wouldnt mind a fake if it was a good one. |
Author: | jeffsw6 [ Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Budget Indestructible Microphones |
Just pay for them at new cost. $100 for a mic that will last a long time? I bet you spend $100 on music every month or three, and a lot of the new music has a pretty short shelf life before it will rarely, if ever, be sang again. A mic is useful as long as it works correctly. |
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