Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Two questions for Chartbuster
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Author:  BigJer [ Mon May 31, 2010 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Two questions for Chartbuster

After browsing your website per your suggestion in another thread I find the following language...

You are allowed to make a single copy of your Chartbuster Karaoke discs for archive purposes only. Please note that this does not entitle you to use those backed-up tracks for any other purpose than as a back-up, including playing, sharing, distribution or performance.

Karaoke shows that use tracks stored to a hard disk drive are doing so in violation of the Chartbuster Karaoke license printed on the original disc. Unless the tracks were purchased as digital downloads and are being played from the original disk onto which they were downloaded, the operator is in violation of the license

1) If I understand this correctly it is illegal to perform ANY kind of Chartbuster's track from a computer under ANY circumstance. Is that correct?

2) If you do find someone playing a Chartbuster's disc or download from a computer and they prove they have purchased your tracks, what will you do about it? Will you sue them?

PLEASE NOBODY ELSE ANSWER except someone with legal authority to speak for Chartbusters.

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