Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Worst Performance on this Site (the William Hung Award)
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Author:  SingingFool [ Fri May 21, 2004 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Worst Performance on this Site (the William Hung Award)

Just for fun, what do you guys think of posting what you think are the worst song(s) submitted--- and I want to stress that this would be for FUN AND NOT A WAY OF BEING CRUEL!!! Consider the fact that it takes quite a bit of talent (and/or guts) to be able to sing REALLY BADLY, in the first place!

To be eligible, the ONLY person who can nominate a song for this "prestigious" honor would be the person who submitted it in the first place. This way, it would give people a chance to really try different things, and/or just be as funny as possible without creating any animosity. After a song is nominated, then maybe a vote/poll/or just listing would be posted as a thread.

I admit that I would be at an unfair "advantage" for "winning" this distinction as my "singing" and choice of music is probably the worst on this site, but I would be doing this just for fun anyways.

What do you guys think about this as a way for trying to come up with some really funny submissions?

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