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Sunfly PRO-8
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Author:  dazziep [ Mon May 24, 2010 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Sunfly PRO-8


I have recently bought a sunfly pro-8 second hand and quite cheap as there were no manual or remote control with it.. I kinda guesssed I wouldn't really need em :oops: ...

I have had it working no problems with a little portable TV, but the TV and now bust and I noticed it has a VGA socket on the back and I have plenty of old VGA monitors kicking around so I hooked one up... nothing..

I assume I have to configure the unit to output to VGA??? but there is nothing on the unit that looks like it will do this.. and I assume if this is correct, you need a remote control to do it.. bugger...

please please help...



Author:  TopherM [ Mon May 24, 2010 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sunfly PRO-8

I'm not familiar with this unit, since it is a UK-only unit not sold in the US. However, with a few google searches, I found out the following that may help you:

#1: The firmware on the unit is upgradable. Maybe check Sunfly's site?

#2: To perform a factory reset:

1) shut down the unit
2) Press and hold the STOP key on the front panel of the unit and POWER ON the unit.

Maybe that will help??

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