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KJ/DJ Wedding Music
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Wed May 19, 2004 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  KJ/DJ Wedding Music

I know some of us from time to time DJ parties and Wedding and such.
I need some music suggesions for the BRIDAL PARTY introductions
and also the Bride & Groom intro. Something up-beat .....

I have all the "typical" party type music , line dances, disco etc.

If you can suggest a song or songs that are Good for wedding/party music that are NOT that typical that would also be appreciated :D

Of course we will be doing some karaoke during the night :roll: :roll:

Author:  marty3 [ Wed May 19, 2004 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have done many weddings and have found "Get Ready 4 This" by 2 Unlimited always works well - high energy/upbeat, and that's how I think intros should be. Ultimately, it comes down to the B&G - some other "different" ones I've played that have been fun: Theme from The Simpsons, Kashmir (karaoke/instrumental version), Born To Be Wild (karaoke/instrumental for a biker wedding, with fog of course!).

Sometimes I'll get asked to Sirius (Alan Parsons) or as we say in Chicago - the Bulls Theme. Other standards would include Axel F. theme, Star Wars, Rocky, Mission Impossible, etc.

For the garter toss, "Oh Yeah" by Yello always, without a doubt, gets everyone going. Legs, Leave Your Hat On and others are okay too.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed May 19, 2004 4:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a Micheal Buffer version Get Ready 4 This" complete with the boxer's insrtuctions and the bell, that was released as DJ music actually it's quite humerous, and has been asked for several times exclusively, IN a CD form I just need to find out which Subscription service released it.. and I also have several extended remixes of "Sirius" from several services including one remix of my own that is over 8 min. long.

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