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AutoKDJ releases a new beta version of their front end kiosk program AKFE
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Author:  tuxalot [ Fri May 21, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  AutoKDJ releases a new beta version of their front end kiosk program AKFE

First off, I am not affiliated with the AutoKDJ team but am grateful for their FREE software. I have tried many, and none come close to the functionality of AutoKDJ. To dispel one myth, I have read here and on other forums that to use AutoKDJ one must rename their zip files in an unconventional way. This is not so if you unzip your songs and tag the Mp3 properly. Winamp will read your files just fine irregardless of your naming convention.

What a difference from the previous version. For those who don't know, AutoKDJ is a free plugin for Winamp that allows you to host a professional KJ show. The front end program, AKFE runs in your kiosk which connects to your host machine via wired or wireless network. Singers que songs directly into the rotation on the host machine. No need to manually add singers like some of the other networked solutions available. Singers using the kiosk can search for songs by artist, title, and the front end program now has a live search where you can type in the first few characters using the on-screen keyboard and it performs a search (like Latshaw and some of the others).

Graphics are much improved in this version as well. I ran it all day at a music festival last week and customers loved it.

Scroll to the midpoint of this forum post to download and test:


The actual download is Autokfe2.0b-04302010.exe. Be sure to read through the setup instructions on the forum post. You can always report back here for assistance if you have difficulties.

I hope you enjoy this release!


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