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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 12:54 pm 
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How many venues offer this?

I know there are some KJs who will video singers and post it to YouTube or Facebook. But what about venues that make this a profit center? For instance, charging $10 for a DVD copy of your song. Would you buy one?

I just saw this device marketed to club owners that makes it "one touch easy".

Seems there might be some legal issues in duplicating a karaoke track, but then again your not duplicating just the tract so it could be used by someone else. It's YOUR performance. As a singer, would you buy one if the venue offered it?

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:43 pm 
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I personally wouldn't buy one, and I doubt that any of my singers would either. Maybe for $5. MAYBE. But I doubt it.
As for using it, I bet there's copyright issues with it.
Right at the end of their sales video it says:
This advertisement is not intended to make representations as to applicable copyright law for any given use. Compliance with copyright law is the sole responsibility of the user.

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 2:00 pm 
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I think that the main copyright issue would be if the words on the screen were video-taped. That being said, unless you are in a Tourist area, I sincerely doubt that there would be an interest in people wanting to have a video of their singing. I know that I would not really be interested in having a copy, and most of my fellow Karaoke friends and acquaintances wouldn't be interested either. IMO, something like that may work in areas like Disney Land or Disney World.

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:26 pm 
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Some are just brave enough to sing in public WITHOUT cameras pointed at them...

And seriously, I dont think we have the right to reproduce or sell music contained on those karaoke discs.

Even without reproducing the audio track that someone else recorded on the karaoke disc. I cant just sell copies of anyone performing hotel california backing track or not... cuz it is not my song to sell.

Would any of the manus take action? I doubt it, without graphics recorded on the DVD they would have difficulty proving which version was used.

Just watched part of the video in the link... Anyone else find it funny that they did not use any music in it, maybe they know something.

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:46 pm 
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It's not worth the hassle unless you work in a tourist hotel or amusement park. Years ago we had superimposed video cameras as well as cassette decks and either people weren't interested in buying them nor were they thrilled to see themselves on camera. It quickly became more trouble than it was worth.

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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:28 pm 
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The other downside is that they only want to LEASE them per month. So if you don't sell enough to make your payment, you're hooped. And it will be like that each and every month. When you own something outright, you know that it might take a while to pay for itself, but eventually, when it's paid for, it becomes nearly pure profit. That can never happen with these machines.

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:17 am 
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You would have to make sure you had the proper license from each manufacturer.... I found this on Chartbusters website

Can I make recordings using Chartbuster Karaoke tracks?
In order to record, manufacture and release karaoke tracks, Chartbuster Karaoke secures a wide variety of licenses from the rights holders. The right to make a recording, in any format, must be secured from the rights holders. This requires that before you may make a recording using Chartbuster Karaoke tracks, you must first secure a license from us (for our tracks) and from the original rights holders (for the publishing rights). This is true even when the recordings are used only for personal, private reasons. If the recordings are not properly licensed and are subsequently shared or uploaded to a public website (such as YouTube), then the recorder, performer and uploader are each in violation of copyright law. If the tracks are then manufactured and/or sold, there are additional violations. The penalties for such violations are severe.

However, you can still legally record using Chartbuster Karaoke tracks, as clients of Big Mama Recording Studios do. For more information, contact us.

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:54 pm 
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Sure it might be illegal, but there must be over a million videos of people singing karaoke on youtube......I'd assume you're safe to do it, but charging for a dvd would more than double your jeapordy(did I spell that wrong)...... :)

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PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:18 pm 
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I think it would be perfetly legal so long as you do not record the sound or video the lyrics on the screen.

Otherwise it seems to be a clear violation of copyright.

I personally don't think karaoke will go over well as a silent movie.....

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