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New Toy! Need help with compression settings, etc.
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Author:  TopherM [ Fri May 14, 2010 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  New Toy! Need help with compression settings, etc.

I have been looking for a decent vocal processor for a while, and found a great deal on a DBX ProVocal:

http://www.dbxpro.com/product_downloads ... manual.pdf

Got it for $50.00 on my local craigslist.

I consider myself very proficient technically, but have never worked with a compressor or de-esser, which is what I intend to use this unit for.

Can anyone suggest some base settings for each, and I can tweak from there?

Compressor Parameters: Threshhold, Gain, Ratio, Attack, Release
De-Esser Parameters: Frequency (800Hz-8kHz), De-Esser Amount (sensitivity/release time)

Thanks for any help!

Author:  Lonman [ Fri May 14, 2010 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Toy! Need help with compression settings, etc.

So you are going to have this on one mic only. Is this for recording?
Unfortunately, it was a short lived product.
For compression, i'd set the Threshold around -10. Ratio 3:1-4:1. Attack & Release, well since this doesn't offer an auto option (nice for karaoke), i'd set them to probably a higher number meaning a slower response for a gradual compression over a quicker response, however if you are using it for different singers, then you may be adjusting this all night for every singer.
As far as de-essers, I really don't use them so can't help on settings there.

Author:  letitrip [ Fri May 14, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Toy! Need help with compression settings, etc.

Start with a ratio of 4:1, attack of 10ms and release of 250ms. Set the threshold so that the compressor only engages (shows gain reduction) on the peaks for that channel. D-esser, honestly will change with each singer, I'd personally recommend not using it.

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