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which amp would you buy??
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Author:  pm4877 [ Tue May 11, 2010 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  which amp would you buy??

crown xls820 500 watt at 8 ohm 3yr warranty on sale for $369. or the qsc gx5 500 watt at 8 ohm 6 year warranty. $399.00. I am not familiar with using separate amps and mixers but am building a new karaoke unit, and willing to learn. Also what wattage speakers would you recommend for these amps. Thanks for any info. For your info, I am currently using a vocopro 8900 amp mixer with two 200 watt speakers. Sound seems to be ok. I believe this amp only puts out 150 watts per side at 8 ohms.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue May 11, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

Both amps will serve you well. The only advantage that the Crown really offers is that is bridgeable - however to 8 ohms only, which really isn't going to to much good unless you are only running one speaker. Neither amp is rated into a 2 ohm load. Given the QSC offers the 6 year warranty, this would be the amp of choice for me.
What speakers are you going to be running with this amp? If they are 200 watt speakers, this could be rated in 3 different ways (RMS/PROGRAM/PEAK) & you could actually blow them out by overpowering them. You may want to consider a speaker upgrade as well, or possible scale down the amp power rating - QSC GX3 might actually be a better match if you do not plan on a speaker upgrade.

Author:  pm4877 [ Tue May 11, 2010 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

Thanks lonnie. My speakers currently have 200/800 on the back of the speaker. I will be getting new speakers as well. Any recommendations? Maybe yamaha sv or br. I don't think I will need to bridge the amp for more power. Is it possible to bridge the amp and run 2 speakers in parallel. I mean run the amp to speaker wire to one speaker, then run another speaker wire from the first speaker to the second speaker? Would this then be mono? Sorry for all the questions, but I need to learn from everyone. The other feature I think I saw for the qsc gx5 was a subout connection. Would I need this if the mixer I buy has a subout connection? Thanks again.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Tue May 11, 2010 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

The XLS802D actually works fine into 2 ohms per channel, or 4 ohms bridged. Crown says they did not include these ratings in the spec sheet/manual because the amp can draw more than 15A when operating this way, which apparently would have required a different cordset for UL listing with 120V power.

pm4877 @ Tue May 11, 2010 4:56 pm wrote:
Is it possible to bridge the amp and run 2 speakers in parallel. I mean run the amp to speaker wire to one speaker, then run another speaker wire from the first speaker to the second speaker? Would this then be mono?

The GX5 does not have a built-in bridge function, as Lonman mentioned. You are right that you probably don't need this anyway with the class of speakers you're looking at.

The Yamaha BR-series are pretty cheap. The Yamaha C115V or CM12V sound better and will get louder. The JBL MRX515 or MRX512M are yet a little better for more money. For a small setup I like 12" woofers when used with subwoofers, or 15" if you are unlikely to buy subs anytime soon. The JBLs are much lighter than the Yamahas, and are easier to get onto a speaker pole.

The crossover function in the GX5 is extremely basic. If you decide to add a subwoofer later on, you might as well do it right, and get an adjustable outboard crossover. So I do not see this as a useful selling point of the GX5.

Author:  davidgreem [ Sat May 22, 2010 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

According to me there are various new amp avaliable in the market but it depends on your specifications such as

1.Brand preferred.
2.Budget you have.
3.Features you required.
4.Offer Prices.

So match the one that suits you the best and have it.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sat May 22, 2010 4:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/a ... lector.htm

when set at 200 rms your speakers match up with the qsc gx5.

Author:  Lonman [ Sat May 22, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: which amp would you buy??

pm4877 @ Tue May 11, 2010 2:56 pm wrote:
Thanks lonnie. My speakers currently have 200/800 on the back of the speaker. I will be getting new speakers as well. Any recommendations? Maybe yamaha sv or br. I don't think I will need to bridge the amp for more power. Is it possible to bridge the amp and run 2 speakers in parallel. I mean run the amp to speaker wire to one speaker, then run another speaker wire from the first speaker to the second speaker? Would this then be mono? Sorry for all the questions, but I need to learn from everyone. The other feature I think I saw for the qsc gx5 was a subout connection. Would I need this if the mixer I buy has a subout connection? Thanks again.

Well i'd then buy for the speaker you intend to purchase instead of what you have now. The Yamaha SV series is a great speaker & perfect match for the GX5.
I just ordered that amp as a replacement for a midrange amp I am upgrading to closer match my speakers power rating. I will probably be getting the GX3 for the high frequencies and then a PLX amp bridged to the sub - I like to try to keep within the same manu when possible.

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