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Power Karaoke
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Author:  magimae [ Mon May 10, 2010 6:10 am ]
Post subject:  Power Karaoke

PowerKaraoke--I have been using Power Karaoke for several years now but I recently started having problems with it. At first I thought I had picked up a virus, but according to my recent scans, that isn't the problem. When I try to use PK, it takes it forever to load and then it also takes forever to to do anything. It's like it freezes up. Has anyone else been having this problem. Also how does it work with Vista. I have it on my home computer right now (running XP) but am thinking about putting it on my Karaoke computer to eliminate having to to transfer all my rips from one computer to the next. All help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Author:  ggardein [ Mon May 10, 2010 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power Karaoke

Over time files can become corrupted......usually you try to save your data, and reinstall the program.........maybe there's a cleaning program that can help......I don't know of one myself.......this is just my opinion........could also be the signs of an impending hard drive crash......just my take, but it's always right to back things up......good luck

Author:  magimae [ Mon May 10, 2010 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Power Karaoke

Thanks for the reply. Good news, I went on Power Karaoke's forum and found a solution. It seems that if you have McAfee Virus protection and you are runing the Real Time Scanning, it can interfer with Power Karaoke because it uses too much of your memory resources. All I had to do was disable real time scanning while using Power Karaoke and it works like it should

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