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VENT... Why?
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Author:  Manobeer [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  VENT... Why?

Why have a warehouse in Reno, if you are gonna ship my order from NEW JERSEY????


I ordered some XLR cables from AMS(6 20footers for $20) on Sat, they shipped monday from SPARKS, NV, US(according to UPS tracking info) and arrived two days later. That is no big deal, I just got their deal of the day cables for back up purposes. I did like the timely manor in which they arrived.

I order stuff that really matters to me and that I really want to use this weekend.
Mackie Thump TH-18s Powered Subwoofer
Behringer Xenyx X1222USB Mixer

When I ordered the cables on the weekend, I assumed they would not ship until Monday. Now these FUN ITEMS that I want badly I ordered TUESDAY MORNING, when should they ship... OK I can live with items shipping the next day, but I am not really thrilled about it.

Today at 3PMish I get an email that my order has shipped, all day the UPS site was not showing any info for my tracking number until about 10 minutes ago.

I am thrilled that means I should get my items by FRIDAY right??? WRONG, cuz they shipped from NEW JERSEY via UPS GROUND.


Now they are a great company and I know there is probably a logical explanation(inventory) for them not shipping from their west coast warehouse, but had I known this I might have purchased locally. I did save the sales tax, but paid a oversized shipping charge so the difference was like $35 bucks.

And yes the 3 payment plan is cool, I just wanted my toys...

Author:  diafel [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VENT... Why?

I agree with you, especially when it matters how fast you get something because you need it by a certain time. It's happened to me before, where I've actually had to order an item AGAIN from another company because I've found out too late that the item in question is being shipped from elsewhere, and "elsewhere" happens to be much farther away than originally anticipated.
These companies really should let customers know where their items are shipping from in order to give them an informed choice.

Author:  Manobeer [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VENT... Why?

Now the AMS website is giving me separate tracking numbers, the mixer is shipping from SPARKS, NV, US. My last order from them took a hop to Sacramento and down here to LA.

My Mixer should arrive on Friday, which is a great. I probably wouldnt get a chance to really test my sub this weekend anyways but the mixer is really needed.

My subwoofer is expected on Tuesday :roll:

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VENT... Why?

UPS, FedEx, etc use a central sorting area. In other words everything goes from the client to the central area to the receiver, even if both are in the same city> Silly I know, but when I worked at the airport the plane would take off about 8-9pm head for Memphis (Fed Ex) or Georgia (UPS) and return about 6am next morning.

Author:  Babs [ Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VENT... Why?

Yeah It's always been interesting to me why I can order something from my area and it gets sent to another state then comes back during shipping. I asked why and it's like Timber said. The main shipping facility is somewhere else.

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