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Value of Eon15g2's
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Author:  BamaRob [ Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Value of Eon15g2's

Hey guys,
I might buy some off craigslist. What do you feel like is the value of a good used pair of Eon 15g2? How much would you pay? They are also throwing in the stands.

Also if I do get them, recommendations for mixer? I was thinking profx8 or mg82cx? Upsides? Downsides?

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

I wouldn't pay more than $500 for a pair. And that is on a HIGH scale.
As far as mixers, Mackie is MY preferred preference, great sound and reliability.

Author:  srnitynow [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

My set-up is EonG2's with a Mackie Profx12, GREAT sound combination (IMO). If you could get them (G2's) for $500.00, I'd jump on it!!!

Serenity Now Karaoke

Author:  jbalda9087 [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

I'm not a working KJ. But I have a pair of 15g2's and a Mackie 12 channel mixer with effects. I'm not looking to sell. The only reason I jumped in here is curiousity. I'm trying to put together a one man band act. I went to a party 2 weeks ago and heard a person singing (only) with kar tracks through an I-pod. His vocals were not all that impressive and his music and sound was not so great. He tells me he gets $400 per gig range; this peaked my interest. Therefore, Ive been contemplating trying something on this order. I have 3 sets of PA gear that I use one or the other once a year; a Mackie power mixer w/ 2 peavey sp-2's black widow loaded, and, a very old peavey pa head with 2 ea 15" + Horn cabinets. It seems to me that the best quality and loudest sound comes from the sp-2 set up. We tried them one agaist the other one Saturday in the driveway, outside. However, I was hopeing not to have to carry around the sp-2's. Incidently, I also have 2 ea powered eon 10's. Now it would probably be my preference to only have to carry these around, (I also have a berhnger 6 channel Mixer w/effect for these.) Does JBL make a 10" small powered sub with appropriate cross-over connections that I can get to put with the eon 10's; something easy to carry and will all fit under the lid of my pick-up? I guess I'm searching to see if anyone out there has similar equipment to what I already own that can give me advice on how to get the best sound quality out of it by either adding small subs, scratching te idea and just use the eon15's etc, etc, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Joey

Author:  BamaRob [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

The offer is $600.00. What do you think?

Also, learned that they are still loaded JBL throughout except one has been replaced with an Eminence high.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

BamaRob @ Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:53 am wrote:
The offer is $600.00. What do you think?

Also, learned that they are still loaded JBL throughout except one has been replaced with an Eminence high.

Then $600 is too much IMO. For that price i'd want them in original MINT condition. Being they already had a driver fail/replaced (with most likley the cheapest Eminence driver), tells me they pushed them to their limits to begin with & the other drivers might not be that far behind to blow as well. For what you describe I now wouldn't pay more than $400 for the pair.

Author:  letitrip [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

I'd agree with Lonman on this one. Adding to that, I also wouldn't want the mis-match of two different types of horns between the two cabinets. When you're talking powered cabinets like that which have been engineered from amplifier to crossover to drivers with specific specs, changing the setup by introducing a different driver can have serious impact on the quality of what they produce. I probably would start with $500 then subtract the cost of replacing the eminence driver with the OEM model and then maybe take off another $50 for your time.

Author:  BamaRob [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

The guy was gonna throw in the stands too which I thought would be worth $600 maybe if the speakers were mint like ya said. I tend to agree though, I thought they were mint until today and once he said that a driver had been replaced I figured it wouldn't be worthwhile. Just dont wanna chance something thats been abused.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Value of Eon15g2's

Nah you can sometimes find good stands for under $100.

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