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Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)
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Author:  punksterz626 [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

Hi everyone,

I really did try searching the forum but unable to find anything that answer my question.

Before i ask the question i should tell you what my current setup is. That way, you'll have a better understanding to what i want to do.

Currently, i have a htpc (home theatre Pc) connected to my Yamaha receiver with 5.1 surround sound. Recently, i have the urge to setup a PC karaoke system, using Karafun software.

i have two microphones and a processor/key mixer for the microphone which i got from my family's old karaoke system.

My question is how do i connect that so it'll work with my Pc? In the back of the mixer there are RCA (audio only) output/input in the back. Do i connect this to the Pc or the receiver? Ive tried connecting to the receiver but there's no sound. Should i get a Y cable and connect it to the pc mic slot? Will that affect the sound quality? (which im seeking btw)

any suggestion/recommedation would be greatly appreciated.


Author:  Manobeer [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

Get a Y cable to run sound from you speaker connection on your pc to the RCA in of your mixer.

RCA cables from the Mixers RCA out to an available RCA input of your receiver.

Author:  Jian [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

i have two microphones and a processor/key mixer for the microphone which i got from my family's old karaoke system.

Can you tell us more about this unit? model/made?

Author:  punksterz626 [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

Manobeer @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:25 pm wrote:
Get a Y cable to run sound from you speaker connection on your pc to the RCA in of your mixer.

RCA cables from the Mixers RCA out to an available RCA input of your receiver.

will that affect the quality of the microphone compare to mixer to receiver?

Author:  punksterz626 [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

Jian @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:27 pm wrote:
i have two microphones and a processor/key mixer for the microphone which i got from my family's old karaoke system.

Can you tell us more about this unit? model/made?

its a Nikoddo dep-2000. Its fairly old.

Author:  ralphm773 [ Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another how to connect question - I really did search the forum first =)

I wouldnt suggest using a home stereo as a PA, it will eventually blow.

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