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YouSingUK – UK Karaoke Championships
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Author:  CT@sunflykaraoke [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  YouSingUK – UK Karaoke Championships

Do you love singing? Do you think you have a great singing voice and want people to hear it? Do you have what it takes to perform for a National or even Global audience? Do you want to represent your country and have a chance to win yourself a record deal??
If so, we know something you’ll definitely want to know about!!

Sunfly Karaoke are proud to announce that we are teaming up with YouSingUK; the official feeder contest for the World Karaoke Championships.

Through a number of contests across Britain, the YouSingUK judges will whittle down the karaoke greats and find the 30 best singers in each area it visits. From these we will find the two UK entrants for the World Karaoke Championships.

Audition will take place in London, Manchester, Glasgow and Cardiff in late May (specific dates tbc), to find two singers (one male/one female) to go forward to compete in the World finals in Moscow, Russia, 22-25th September.

The two UK winners will receive expenses paid (flights and accommodation) trip to Moscow to compete in on the global stage, where they can win a recording deal and a cash prize.

The competition is open to anybody over the age of 18years; all singing styles welcome. The auditions will require an accapella performance from all entrants, in front of up to 3 judges.
To register for your local contest, go to www.yousinguk.com now. Entrants will be notified via email or text message as to specific locations.
An entry fee of £10.00 will be required; payable on the day of your audition.

Remember you can also enter the Sunfly karaoke competition via our YouTube Channel, Facebook page or mySpace profile. This month theme is Glee, so you can sing any song featured in the hit US show. It will be a great practise for the YouSingUk comp and you can see what people think of your voice. All details can be found in the blog on our site www.sunflykaraoke.com

What are you waiting for, enter now!

Sound better with Sunfly and YouSingUK!!

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