Worked the new gig on Saturday night (see MORAL DILEMA) which went very well. I comitted to every other Saturday at this venue ( BAR inside a Liguor Store). This is a family owned and operated venue and the OWNERS were very NICE and seemed very satisfied with the show. ( BIG HINT HERE) ... I actually stopped in a day before to introduce myself and make sure I knew where the place was and to see the LAYOUT of the bar. This went over HUGE with the owner as he was surprised I did that.
Any way .. The singers were cool , the bar area had huge flat screens on the wall so I did not need my singer monitor and everything went off well.
The funny thing is I set up in the corner (next to racks of WINE) and my work area were CASES OF SODA !!! I set up on 24 packs of Coke and Sprite

... I put my powered mixer on a chair next to me and used wirless mics. The venue had RCA CONNECTIONS coming down from the ceiling which made hooking up to the TVS ...simple !! Karaoke Friendly OWNERS and CUSTOMERS and a simple set up not to mention good pay and great hours ( 8 - 12 ). Don't get better than this
Can't belive my friend screwed it up ......( see moral dilema)