Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

SS player not working for me :(
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Author:  waynesammie [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  SS player not working for me :(

Hello all,

Ummm i dont know if this is a local problem with my machine or IE (AVANT browser) but the player in SS just shows as a blank White space for me meaning i cant listen to any of the tracks uploaded.

Could somebody help me please :(


Edit, i just checked one of my own subs and i can listen to that, hence i dont think its a local machine problem, also reset all IE settings to no avail!

Java updated and now some work and others dont! Sorry mods! Pain in the backside i know but i like to listen!

FIXED, for the purpose of helping others, i just had to delete history and cookies and it worked again!

Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

All I can say is, "good luck dude."

Good luck getting your songs to play.
Good luck getting other people's songs to play.
In some cases, good luck getting your songs to upload at all!

Oh, and let's not forget... good luck getting a straight answer around here from management.

Author:  Luly [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

edited :mrgreen:

Author:  rokkgirl [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(


I posted this on Cindy's thread originally. Copying it here ... don't know if it will work for you but worth a try. Good luck dude :)

'I too had problems with IE and the new player kicking me out of all my sessions. It was happening ALOT for me. I ended up switching to Firefox ... not just because of the player but I was tired of how slow IE was. Anyways once I switched to Firefox ... then nothing was working ... lol! In searching some support forums, many suggested removing Quicktime and Flash then reinstalling them. That seems to have worked for me. Absolutely NO issues anymore with the player here. You may want to try just removing and then reinstalling Quicktime/Flash first if you're using IE and see if that makes a difference without having to switch to another browser. Again I made the choice to switch to Firefox because I was tired of IE. It was easy switching to Firefox, it automatically imported all my bookmarks/favourites. A little different but overall MUCH MUCH faster then IE.'

Hope this helps

Author:  waynesammie [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

I actually did mange to fix this myself (surprisingly enough) i saw on another thread that cleaning out the history and cookies sometimes helped >>>

Those on windows XP follow (and this is only roughly)


Click the boxes that correspond to the items you want to clean and it might just help, click apply as normal and then try the player, if it doesnt work then i cant help!

PS, please bear in mind that this will clean all history lists so if you havent got an address in your favourites that you do use often then make sure you addit to favourites first, i accept no responsibility for loss of any information!




Whats going on ? Surely if people arent happy with the changes and the previous version worked it can be changed back ?

As far as i can see this is a peoples forum, put it to a poll with the view to changing it back if people request it maybe ? Just an observation and i dont intend to upset anybody!

Author:  Bev_B1 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

Read kjzone's thread Songs On SS. That explains why the player was changed to begin with. I have problems sometimes with this new player too, but it is not on every song. I'm using Google Chrome now. :)

Author:  waynesammie [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

Ok, read through the other thread....

There seems to be so much anomosity on this site over who does this better than who and who has more comments than anybody else... People what are we here for ????

As far as i am concerned music is music, if your here then you have a passion for music on one level or another or why would you have bothered signing up!

Dont lose sight of what this site (both the forum and SS) is all about people, for me its an opportunity to hear and be heard! Not many places you can do that and not have to worry too much about how good or bad it may be!

Stop the fighting and complaining, just take it for what it is and enjoy yourselves.


Author:  Bev_B1 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SS player not working for me :(

I agree with you wholeheartedly Wayne. I just hope that Admin can fix the problems that the site is having and make everyone happy. :)

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