Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Help setting up my comp system for karaoke +recording!
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Author:  DJO [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Help setting up my comp system for karaoke +recording!

Hi Guys!
I'm a musician and for a home family party I'm trying to set up karaoke through my computer and also record it live to give a CD at the end of the night!
I bought a ton of songs with Karafun player and have:
2 x mics
1 x roland AC-60 ACOUSTIC CHORUS™ stereo AMPLIFIER/speaker with many inputs inc. line in and 2 mic inputs with great reverb fx
2 x computers (1 x vista computer, 1 XP-laptop)
1x lexicon omega sound interface with cubase light.
1 x Projector and screen.
1 x external video card if really needed.

How would you recommend setting up the evening?

Thanx :lol: ,

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help setting up my comp system for karaoke +recording!

Well to record it, use Audacity. Simple, free. After that you need to take a little time to convert each song to a recordable format, then burn to cd.
Otherwise just tap a CD recorder to your mixers tape output.

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