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laptop karaoke display through sky????
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Author:  baldj [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  laptop karaoke display through sky????

hi, i'm still fairly new to all this. i recently swapped all my cdgs for laptop and portable hard drive.
the pub i'm working in has a huge screen projector which i run a vga splitter lead from my laptop with one feed to the monitor for singers and the other to the projector for everyone else in the pub.
the new problem... i have just got a new gig in another pub, however they dont have the projector they have numerous tv's (3) with a sky box feeding them all.

my question is... how can i get the second feed from my vga lead to go to all the other tv's? is there a way i can link into the sky box??

any help would be appreciated


Author:  classickaraoke [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: laptop karaoke display through sky????

I don't know if the Sky boxes have the ability to run a separate auxiliary input although I doubt it. You would need the take the VGA feed and run it through a VGA to composite video (yellow phono plug) converter. This signal can then be split a few times without degrading to go to different tvs. The TVs may have separate audio and video inputs or you may need SCART connectors.

Pretty much the rule of thumb is that you are connecting directly to the TVs yourself. If they are feeding the three tvs off one Sky box you may be able to put a video switch in there to switch between Sky and karaoke on all TVs at the same time, although my experience is that you don't want to go karaoke on all TVs - someone always wants to watch Sky Sports.

- Jonn

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: laptop karaoke display through sky????

baldj @ Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:43 am wrote:
hi, i'm still fairly new to all this. i recently swapped all my cdgs for laptop and portable hard drive.

I'm hoping that you literally didn't swap all your cdg's for a laptop and hard drive!!!

If you did you need to get them back because if you don't have the cd's to go with the songs on the hard drive you are running ILLEGALLY.

Author:  baldj [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: laptop karaoke display through sky????

thanks for the reply...i saw the back of the sky box and it has a s video input and thought that might work? i really dont know and was just asking if anyone out there had tried.
so basically it means manually linking al the tvs....lots of wires then!?

thanks again

Author:  baldj [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: laptop karaoke display through sky????

thanks for the advice, and no i didnt mean literally! i just meant i ve now changed from carrying all my disks around and relying on cdg players that sometimes show cracked and broken lyric displays to working off a laptop.

thanks for the heads up but, no probs

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