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Having trouble ripping correctly
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Author:  Hobbymike [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Having trouble ripping correctly

I have three ripping software programs, power karaoke, audio grabber and CDrwin and cannot seem to get the tags right for both Latshaws songlist genarator and karma. SL genarator won't evan import them and the Karma won't put the artist title info in the right spot. It will play them though. Also have the MP3+g disc versions from PHM and they do the same thing as my ripped stuff. Anybody know what i am doing wrong? The discs I have to rip are the latest Chartbusters stuff and are not reconized in the freeDB thing. Wierd Very frustrating also

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

Hobbymike @ Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:12 pm wrote:
I have three ripping software programs, power karaoke, audio grabber and CDrwin and cannot seem to get the tags right for both Latshaws songlist genarator and karma. SL genarator won't evan import them and the Karma won't put the artist title info in the right spot. It will play them though. Also have the MP3+g disc versions from PHM and they do the same thing as my ripped stuff. Anybody know what i am doing wrong? The discs I have to rip are the latest Chartbusters stuff and are not reconized in the freeDB thing. Wierd Very frustrating also

I name my songs

DDNNNN-TT - Artist, The - Title, The.zip

where DD is the type (for example, CB for Chartbuster), NNNN is the disk number (9039, for example) TT is the track (03 or 12). I use Latshaw's Song List Generator without trouble, and these days I rip with PowerKaraoke.

No problems at all.

Author:  Hobbymike [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

where do you enter this at ?

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

Hobbymike @ Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:25 pm wrote:
where do you enter this at ?

Most disks come up with the artist/title in them. At that point, in the name box of PowerKaraoke you put:

DDNNNN-{Track} - {Song}

That substitutes the track number (01-15 or whatever) for {Track}, and the found information for {Song}. Sometimes you then have to rename files -- I use a program I wrote, but others have found free or inexpensive file renaming programs which do such things.

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

I think first of all we need to know how you have your files listed on your hard drive.

are they:
disc# - title - artist
artist - title - disc#
Just how?

Song list generator looks at the file name to make it's list and you can decide how to import them depending on how you have them named.

Same with Karma.

I am very familiar with both products as well as Power Karaoke and can help you but I need to know what in what format your files are named.

They all have to be named the same way or the programs will not recognize them.

Author:  Hobbymike [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

OK I got the new chartbusters to rip and SLG and karma is happy with them, I really did nothing they now came up with that FreeDB thing I guess. But still having problems with PHM discs I bought them in the MP3+G form already so it would save me time ripping but SLG and karma not happy. Song list genarator refuses to import them and karma all the info is under title area. I have my stuff on my HD in standrd karaoke format disc#-title-artist

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

You have to have a space between the words and the dash like

SC7524 - Amarillo By Morning - George Strait

If you have no dash song book and karma will not see them.

Author:  Hobbymike [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

Thank you all for the help, with your direction I was able to get the jib done.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Having trouble ripping correctly

Hobbymike @ Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:12 pm wrote:
I have three ripping software programs, power karaoke, audio grabber and CDrwin and cannot seem to get the tags right for both Latshaws songlist genarator and karma. SL genarator won't evan import them and the Karma won't put the artist title info in the right spot. It will play them though. Also have the MP3+g disc versions from PHM and they do the same thing as my ripped stuff. Anybody know what i am doing wrong? The discs I have to rip are the latest Chartbusters stuff and are not reconized in the freeDB thing. Wierd Very frustrating also

Since you are already using Latshaw programs --you should go ouit and get their Karaoke File Manager ...best piece of software for renaming mp3+g files

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