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Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan
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Author:  Brian A [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Been an avid Mackie fan for 12 yrs. I finally switched from MackSRM450 / MackSWA1501 sub to QSC HPR122i tops & QSC HPR151i sub (as recommended by a board member). Wow! Sound is a lot cleaner and crisp. Bass is more fuller rather than "muddy". My mackies' has "hum". None on these. Let me just state that my post is no way bashing mackie. Loved them thru the yrs. Just my humble op. Cons: 10lbs heavier, it's a struggle to prop it up on speaker stand. Not as loud as the Macks. But I compensated that by turning the speaker volume knob all the way (and still no hum!). Amazing!

Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

I can't believe you owned mackie for 12 years. We had 2 450's 2 SWA 1501's and 2 SWA 1801's they all blew up and were sold within one year of purchase.

I would have gone with the K-12s

Author:  jerry12x [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Well I fell out with their desks but I have never heard hum from my
450's or 350 v2's ever.

Author:  letitrip [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Mackie is what Mackie is, a good entry level pro-audio outfit. They're higher than pro-sumer brands like Nady, Behringer, Peavey, etc but certainly are not high-end pro. I know plenty of people, myself included, who've had great success with countless Mackie gear. I know others who've had plenty of issues (especially since they moved manufacturing overseas).

Glad to hear your QSC's are exceeding your expectations. QSC is a great company that makes a quality product and their customer service is phenomenal. I think you'll be extremely happy with that purchase for years to come.

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Oh yes, I loved my SRM450. Never had a problem with it for 12 years. These things I read about them overheating and shutting down in the middle of a gig? Never happened on my SRM's. Maybe because the back panel says "Made in USA". Auctioned the pair at ebay start bid at $250 (pick-up only). Sold for $611. let me just mention that these are the originals and not the v2's. I also used a Mack SRS1500 sub, also Made in USA. Gave that to my daughter and it's still working. Replaced that with SWA1501 Made in China as an upgrade. Sounds muffled and no punch. Woofer quit after a year.

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

I would have gone with the K-12s

Jerry - just wondering / reason why the K-12 instead of HPR122i?

Author:  ripman8 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Brian A @ Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:19 pm wrote:
Oh yes, I loved my SRM450. Never had a problem with it for 12 years. These things I read about them overheating and shutting down in the middle of a gig? Never happened on my SRM's. Maybe because the back panel says "Made in USA". Auctioned the pair at ebay start bid at $250 (pick-up only). Sold for $611. let me just mention that these are the originals and not the v2's. I also used a Mack SRS1500 sub, also Made in USA. Gave that to my daughter and it's still working. Replaced that with SWA1501 Made in China as an upgrade. Sounds muffled and no punch. Woofer quit after a year.

$611? How old were they?

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

12 yrs. Used it 5 yrs at a Family Restaurant, 4 yrs at an Italian Restaurant, and 3 yrs at home. These speakers were both on stationary set-up on the two venues, so wear and tear cosmetically were very minimal. The bids start coming after I post the back picture that says "Made In USA".

Author:  Micky [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Brian A @ Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:12 pm wrote:
12 yrs. Used it 5 yrs at a Family Restaurant, 4 yrs at an Italian Restaurant, and 3 yrs at home. These speakers were both on stationary set-up on the two venues, so wear and tear cosmetically were very minimal. The bids start coming after I post the back picture that says "Made In USA".

Funny you say this, I tried selling my Mackie 1402 VLZ-Pro and all I was asked is; where is it built? USA or China :roll: Mine is built in China so I ended up keeping it, it has no value :(

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thanks QSC - No longer a Mackie Fan

Before we switched over to active components, I ran a pair of 15-inch Bag Ends through a Crown amp -- now that's clarity...but they're kind of an awkward shape, and a bear to lift up on speaker stands. I used them in a place where I left my equipment (casino) so I didn't have to move them. When I left that gig and didn't have two-niters anymore, I went active. But the sound coming out of those Bag Ends was just as perfectly clear 10 years after I bought them as the day I bought them. Still have them - paid over $800 each for them in 1997 and if I had a gig that allowed me to leave gear, I'd probably switch back to those.

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