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Connecting Laptop to Karaoke player
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Author:  Sugee [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Connecting Laptop to Karaoke player

I have bought the Vocopro DVX 890-K player. On the input side it has USB and SD, but no RCA audio-in, something I had in my old tiny player. I have to connect my laptop to the karaoke player. Aside from using tracks recorded on CDs and DVDs, I extensively use a internet website that streams audio-video karaoke. Will it be possible for me to do a USB to USB connection to stream music from my laptop into the karaoke player, as I used to do earlier with my old tiny player using speaker out on the laptop and RCA audio-in on the player? I want to first find out before trying because I have heard of USB ports burning away from inappropriate use. The USB port on the karaoke player is a flat connector, same as on the laptop, and not a sqaure one.

Many, many thanks, appreciation and gratitude in advance for any advice or suggestion.

Author:  ggardein [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connecting Laptop to Karaoke player

sure the usb isn't for an external hard drive? pretty sure you wouldn't hook a computer to it. maybe this is something new, but I think you need two audio/video feeds going to an audio/video swith.......could be wrong I guess....

Author:  Sugee [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connecting Laptop to Karaoke player

nobodyhome @ Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:05 pm wrote:
sure the usb isn't for an external hard drive? pretty sure you wouldn't hook a computer to it. maybe this is something new, but I think you need two audio/video feeds going to an audio/video swith.......could be wrong I guess....


Thanks for your reply. Yes, the manual says clearly that the USB is for reading files such as off a hard-disk. But some folks on the web (on QA forums) have suggested connecting Laptop to Karaoke player USB to USB, but I wanted to verify before blowing the ports :-)

A friend who has a similar karaoke player says she connected the red and white of the RCA to FL and FR of the karaoke player (part of the 5.1 ch output ports provided - 2 of the 6, the other four being centre, s/w, SL and SR). (The laptop side connected through headphone outlet). I am going to try this, although I wonder how audio output ports can function as audio input. Well as long as it works, am not going to look the gift horse in the mouth :-)

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