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List your mic(s)....
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Author:  enzoab [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  List your mic(s)....

Hello Friends,

As I said, I’m selling off my Vocopro crap, my Rolls 6 channel mixer and my old Numark DJ mixer. After methodically going through it all, my amp was the only thing not making noise (no ground loop issues). I’m sure I’ll be happy with the Yamaha mixer with DSP effects I ordered, thanks to all you members for posting this invaluable information.

Onward; I’d like to get a handle on a 2 or 3 mic set-up; budget models, mid range prices and then the cream. Set up’s you’re using now and mics that can be bought off the web, eBay, etc., only please. Sale links would be very helpful.


Thx once again,


Useful 700mHz linkj: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/wirelessmicropho ... urers.html

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

You talking wireless or wired?
Wired Shure SM58
Wireless - PGX set with a Shure SM58

Author:  enzoab [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

Lonman @ Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:14 pm wrote:
You talking wireless or wired?
Wired Shure SM58
Wireless - PGX set with a Shure SM58

Thx Loman, I updated the listing to show wireless. I have two older wired SM58's. Work horses.

Anything less costly that you may lknow of? I'm not cheap, well, maybe I am....


Author:  Lonman [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

enzoab @ Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:37 pm wrote:
Anything less costly that you may lknow of? I'm not cheap, well, maybe I am....


Well no nothing that i'd really recommend.

I have heard the Carvin wireless and it isn't too bad.
http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/s ... -MC&cid=36

Author:  letitrip [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

Used the Vocopro UHF-5800, OK as far as budget mics go, 4 mics and a single space rack mount receiver for $300 or so, audio is acceptable.

Currently using a pair of the Shure PG288 Dual Microphone kits (a total of four microphones). PG-58 heads, pretty close to an SM58, but a bit more handling noise. I got mine on an open box special for $498 each from American Musical. Nice thing there, if you put it on a credit card they will bill you in three monthly installments (5 if your order is over $1000) so you don't need the whole investment up front.

http://www.americanmusical.com/Item--i- ... 8PG58-LIST

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

On my personal equipment...I use an SM58 wired...and a UHF wireless Sunfly set of 2.......the gig I do weekly with the bar owner's equipment is with Vocopro 3200 UHF......TBH never had a problem with his Vocopro...Ok..they can sound a bit "Muddy"...but they are durable...take being dropped etc...

Author:  mckyj57 [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

I have a lot of mics, but here are the ones I use for karaoke:

2 - SM58 wired, use when I have a stage
1- Beta 58, use for good female vocalists
1- SM58/PGX wireless, use for me
1- WMS40 wireless "drunk mic"

I usually hook up all these mics for my gigs, since they tend to be family-oriented with quite a few group sings. No drunks at most gigs. When I have drunks, I give them the WMS40.

I also have a set I operate but which is owned by my club:

2 - SM58/PGX wireless, used by KJ and favored sober singers
2 - WMS40 wireless, used by anyone else

The WMS40 is the best compromise for quality I have seen. It is slightly better vocal quality than the VocoPro 5800, but considerably more durable. It also runs 30 hours on a single AA alkaline.

Author:  Bazza [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

Lonman @ Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:14 pm wrote:
Wired Shure SM58
Wireless - PGX set with a Shure SM58

That's my identical rig as well. Two PGX/SM58 wireless and a backup SM58 wired. All I ever need.

As for the price...you get what you pay for.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

I have wireless SM58's and I just added the Dual PG58 set that was mentioned. For the $550 they are decent but do have more handling noise than a SM58.

Author:  Micky [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

I have the following mics:

1) Apex 415 condenser for studio recording

2) Sennheiser e845

3) Audio Technica ATM41HE

4) Shure sm58

5) Shure PG58

My preferred is by far the e845, followed by the AT for live. I'm keeping both Shure's for friends but my problem is when someone test the Senn, they simply don't want to use the Shure after :wink: I personally can't sing with the Shure, not for my voice, these mics have no gain and my voice is too smooth :roll:

Oh yeah, I'm only using mogami cables, it makes these mics sound so much better :D

Author:  harpman [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

I use 2 PGX24/SM58 wireless mics, and Nady DKW Duo mics for the singers. I use a Shure 564SD mic for announcing. I also have a wired SM58, if needed.

Author:  mrscott [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

Personally I use (3 ea) Sennheiser E835 mics for my shows. But this is what I also own:

5 Behringer XM8500's, they work "ok", not great, but "ok"

1 Wireless Shure SM58, and older VHF model, this one is a terrific mic, I am just too lazy to hook it up,,hehe

1 Audio Technica wireless reference mic, this is is an expensive paper weight, (p.o.s. in my opinion)

1 Radio Shack "thing" that I bought years ago,,,this one just takes up space in the bottom of my extra goodies, it's just an "emergency" mic,,,luckily I have never had that big of an emergency. WHEEEEEWWW.

I would love to add some extra Sennheiser's to my collection. I really love these mics. I have also been toying with the idea of adding the "industry standard" Shure SM58 wired to the mix. My belief is this, the Shures are better for female singers, and the Sennheisers are better for male vocals. So I just might put one of each out on the stands. Another addition would be a wireless headset for myself, just have to "pry" open the wallet open to afford a good one. Dunno if i will actually get one tho. I would if the right "deal" come along on the "right" mic. I just have a hard time justifying getting an expensive mic for my own "vanity"

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

mrscott @ Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:58 pm wrote:
Personally I use (3 ea) Sennheiser E835 mics for my shows.

Great karaoke mic. My personal favorite mic has become my Sennheiser 935, which is a slightly higher-end version of the 835.

But this is what I also own:

5 Behringer XM8500's, they work "ok", not great, but "ok"

I like them fine. More handling noise than 835s or SM58s, but they sound pretty good. I have bought several to give to KJs who have really crappy mics.

1 Wireless Shure SM58, and older VHF model, this one is a terrific mic, I am just too lazy to hook it up,,hehe

1 Audio Technica wireless reference mic, this is is an expensive paper weight, (p.o.s. in my opinion)

1 Radio Shack "thing" that I bought years ago,,,this one just takes up space in the bottom of my extra goodies, it's just an "emergency" mic,,,luckily I have never had that big of an emergency. WHEEEEEWWW.

I would love to add some extra Sennheiser's to my collection. I really love these mics. I have also been toying with the idea of adding the "industry standard" Shure SM58 wired to the mix. My belief is this, the Shures are better for female singers, and the Sennheisers are better for male vocals. So I just might put one of each out on the stands. Another addition would be a wireless headset for myself, just have to "pry" open the wallet open to afford a good one. Dunno if i will actually get one tho. I would if the right "deal" come along on the "right" mic. I just have a hard time justifying getting an expensive mic for my own "vanity"

I have finally stopped buying mics, have quite a few more than I need. I was going to buy a headset mic, but I realized it was insanity. I only host 20-25 shows a year, and I am doing fine with what I do.

I finally ended up with:

1 -- Shure Beta 58
2 -- Shure SM58
1 -- Shure SM58 wireless
1 -- Shure PGX1 wireless lavalier
1 -- AKG WMS40 wireless
1 -- Sennheiser Freeport wireless
1 -- Sennheiser 935
1 -- EV ND767A
1 -- EV Cobalt CO-9
1 -- AKG Perception 200 condenser
3 -- Behringer XM8500

I do a *bit* of live sound, but most of the guys have mics and I really don't need all those.

I gave away a Shure PG48 and and a PG58 -- way too much handling noise -- along with all the cheaper CAVS and AudioStream mics. I knew I would never use them with the above available.

If I had to do it over again, I would buy the SM58s, the Beta 58, the AKG WMS40, and the Sennheiser 935. The rest of them I should sell.

Author:  DJTinaB [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

I switched over to the Acesonic UHF 1208 wireless mics in January. 1000 selectable channels in the UHF 668-693MHz range. You can scan them at a venue and find the cleanest channel. They are crystal clear, a big sound difference over the mics I've used in the past. Priced from $270 to $379 depending on where you shop.


Author:  gunghouk [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

1 x VHF Wireless Shure SM58
1 x Sennheiser E835
2 x Sennheiser E845

Author:  ripman8 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: List your mic(s)....

1 wired sm58
1 wireless beta58
1 wireless sm58

funny, 1 radio shack I bought just before I got in the business. Emergency only.

Author:  enzoab [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  AKG WMS 40 WMS40 PRO DUAL Wireless 2 Mic Handheld

What do you guys think of this set?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

It's about 1/2 the price of a Shure Dual but, is it half the sound?

http://cgi.ebay.com/Shure-UHF-Diversity ... 3ef97e8170



Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AKG WMS 40 WMS40 PRO DUAL Wireless 2 Mic Handheld

enzoab @ Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:08 pm wrote:
What do you guys think of this set?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

It's about 1/2 the price of a Shure Dual but, is it half the sound?

http://cgi.ebay.com/Shure-UHF-Diversity ... 3ef97e8170

I'd prefer the WMS40 over the Shure PG58, but prefer the Shure SM58 over the WMS40.

My actual in-use mics, week in, week out, are a dual WMS40 and the PGX/SM58. Now in the 29th month of use with no problems....

Author:  enzoab [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AKG WMS 40 WMS40 PRO DUAL Wireless 2 Mic Handheld

I'd prefer the WMS40 over the Shure PG58, but prefer the Shure SM58 over the WMS40.

My actual in-use mics, week in, week out, are a dual WMS40 and the PGX/SM58. Now in the 29th month of use with no problems....[/quote]

Thx 57. I'm just trying to find a good mic set-up with in my meager budget. It sounds like, from what I read, that I'd be pretty happy with the WMS40's?

I'm somewhat amazed that others here use these WMS40's for their drunken mics? I'll use my Voco stuff for that I think....

Thx again,


Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AKG WMS 40 WMS40 PRO DUAL Wireless 2 Mic Handheld

enzoab @ Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:48 pm wrote:
Thx 57. I'm just trying to find a good mic set-up with in my meager budget. It sounds like, from what I read, that I'd be pretty happy with the WMS40's?

Dunno. I'm pretty happy, I know that, and I am relatively demanding.

The other neat thing about them is 30 hours on a single AA.

I'm somewhat amazed that others here use these WMS40's for their drunken mics? I'll use my Voco stuff for that I think....

I don't have any worse mics, so drunks either get the WMS40 or nothing.

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