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Got a feedback problem Please help
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Author:  igh70 [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Got a feedback problem Please help

OK my amp finally came in today so I thought I would test out the new system.... I hooked up the speakers and the laptop and I was getting some feedback playing songs. I unplug the computer from the wall and the feedback goes away... If it is plugged into the wall I get feed back... OK so I unplug from wall so that I could run my karaoke program and try out the mics and such..... But when I hook up the VGA cable and run it to the 2nd monitor I get feedback again... Not as bad as when the computer is hooked to the wall but it is still there.......
the AMP is a Behringer model europower pmp2000 the laptop is brand new and so is the power strip that i use to plug into
I even got feedback when I moved straight to the wall at a diffenert outlet then the amp

Please help

Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a feedback problem Please help

Go to a hardware store, buy two 3 prong to two prong adapters(2 for a buck or so), and use these as a test/tempory solution. Put them on the computer plug, and the second monitor, one or both to see results. If the monitor has speaker/s, they must be "muted"......."do not break off any gound prong", on a plug, and most people on here would urge you to buy a ground lifting device, as apposed to using the 3 to 2 prong adapter....ps...if there is any other signal(tv/cable)....comming into the system, it must be prevented from entering the configuration.....hope this helps

Author:  mrmarog [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a feedback problem Please help

Hi Mark,
I think this subject was covered very recently. I don't think that "feedback" is what you are having (or hearing), I think you are having a ground issue and are experiecing a "hum". Isolating the ground or making sure everything is plugged into (1) outlet should fix the probem. By isolating, I mean, puchase a (3) prong to (2) prong power cord adapter. Does your laptop have a (3) prong power cord? If so, then that has been an issure for many laptop owners.


Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a feedback problem Please help

you could actually get a feedback problem from a tv/monitor with the volume on, but yes, sounds like he has some ground looping going on..... :lol: anyway, at his stage, it doesn't matter what it's called.....it just needs to be gone.... :)
also he should get on the internet, and find some diagrams of proper speaker placement.......good luck....

Author:  igh70 [ Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Got a feedback problem Please help

Just wanted to stop in and tell everyone Thank You.... I ran to Radio Shack and got a Ground Loop Isolator for $16.99 and It has fixed all the problems..... Everything is up and running.
Sad part is I have used these before in car setups and didnt even think to grab one for this DUH lol

Once again Thanks to all who helped out.

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