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Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?
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Author:  enzoab [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?


Being new to this gig, I have an issue with a question. I’ve notice that sometimes I have to set up my 19” flat screen on a stand way over there, where I can’t see it, and there are no other monitors in-house for me to monitor what’s going on. While I can play the software karaoke player on my PC screen (small pop-up and in the corner of the screen), when I play a CD or DVD through my stand alone player, that image only plays to the monitor and there’s no input on a laptop to send that players image to the PC screen. I made up a little bracket so I can mount a 15” monitor to my enclosure, and it works pretty well. What fixes for this have your pros come up with?

Thx for the on-going and indispensable help.


my rig_e-mail.jpg
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Author:  RLC [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?

What you have looks to me like a very good solution to the issue you described-very nice!

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?

If I couldn't see what was on the singer's monitor(from a cdg player feed).....I would look at the singers face, and if they had that...."WTF" look on their face.....I would know something wasn't right...... :)

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?

Good work around but ther is software out there that provides a display of what the singer sees in the interface of the programs. Sax & Dotty's and RoxBox requires a double plugin for the MP3+G screens. Hoster has it built in as does JustKaraoke, Swift Elite, Siglos Karaoke Professional and Compuhost.

Author:  enzoab [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?

DannyG2006 @ Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:01 pm wrote:
Good work around but ther is software out there that provides a display of what the singer sees in the interface of the programs. Sax & Dotty's and RoxBox requires a double plugin for the MP3+G screens. Hoster has it built in as does JustKaraoke, Swift Elite, Siglos Karaoke Professional and Compuhost.

That's true and I do use this when I'm playing off my hard drive. The issue is when you play off a CD - DVD player, in my rack, then I can't see that image off the PC screen.

See what I mean? Or am I missing something here.


Author:  enzoab [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring your CD-DVD Player Image When Your Only Monitor Is Way Over There....?

johnny reverb @ Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:22 pm wrote:
If I couldn't see what was on the singer's monitor(from a cdg player feed).....I would look at the singers face, and if they had that...."WTF" look on their face.....I would know something wasn't right...... :)

Now that's funny! :lol:

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