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recording to an archos
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Author:  waynesammie [ Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  recording to an archos

Hello all,

I just wondered whether it was possible to record direct to an Archos Av400 using a Behringer Eurorack UB1222FX Pro mixer ?

I have just bought the archos specifically for this purpose and to be honest i was flying by the seat of my pants because i dont know for certain that it is possible.

Im new to the scene and really wanting to be able to record, i do have laptops but if i have to use one of those how would i go about it ?

Sorry for such a technical question for a first post but i would really appreciate any help i can get.


Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recording to an archos

Yes you can do it. The AV400 is not without problems though.
http://www.avforums.com/forums/portable ... oblem.html

Laptop is a more reliable option on a larger scale.
It would give you more options and control.
Freeware software would keep the price right.
The low cost net books less than #100 gbp (Maplin & PC world) would give you a smallish highly usable laptop.

The guys here would talk you through setting up a laptop.
The tech support here is second to none

Author:  Murray C [ Mon Mar 08, 2010 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: recording to an archos

I use an Archos JBMM 20 all the time for recording using a Behringer UB1222FX Pro. I use the headphone output of the mixer connected to the line-in of the Archos.. (didn't really like the results from using the RCA outputs).

The JBMM records the analogue signal as an mp3. Not sure about the AV400, but I think it records as WAV files.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend Archos products to anyone... but if you have one already, do not rely on any data on it being safe.... make sure you have it backed up onto more reliable media, or you will lose it!

Here's a couple of examples of recordings I have made using the JBMM:

http://singersshowcase.com/song.php?id= ... act2=82873

http://singersshowcase.com/song.php?id= ... act2=82807

If you wanted to record to a laptop, you could connect it in the same way using the laptop's line-in connection. Running Adobe Audition, Cool Edit or similar software would enable easy recording. You could also record using the built-in Windows Recorder but I'm not sure how good that would be.

Author:  waynesammie [ Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: recording to an archos

Thanks for all of the info, i already bought the Archos by the time i had written the post in the hope that it could be done, the mizer it is going through it the Behringer FX 1222 Pro (i think thats right, cant remember off of the top of my head)

Unfortunately the links to those recordings keeps crashing but it would be good to hear them!

Again thanks for all of the help!

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