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Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....
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Author:  oicclouds [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Please help! I have a library of songs converted over to computer files, I have microphones (one SM 58 wireless, one SM 58 wired) but I need recommendations for easy to use, lower end, but quality equipment.

I am looking for something suitable for clubs up to 100 people and the occasional outdoor use. Strictly karaoke and dj only.

I am a begineer but run karaoke at the local VFW using their equipment which is basically Voco pro stuff.......which I absolutely do not want for my own sytem!!!! I will be learning as I go so please keep that in mind!

My budget for speakers, mixer, yada, yada, is $3000.

I have a few books on sound engineering but they are confusing so I was also wondering if you could recommend books written in laymen's terms to help me out!


Author:  TopherM [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Does your $3000 budget include CDGs/Music, or just equipment? You can make a hell of a good system for $3000.00 if that is JUST for equipment. You can even put together a good starter system for $2000 and spend $1000 to get started on music.

Author:  oicclouds [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

TopherM @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:41 am wrote:
Does your $3000 budget include CDGs/Music, or just equipment? You can make a hell of a good system for $3000.00 if that is JUST for equipment. You can even put together a good starter system for $2000 and spend $1000 to get started on music.

I don't need the music. I have around 6500 songs (total, not unique). I spent the past 2 yrs buying cdg's and my son has already converted them to computer files for me. I started out buying new--SC Foundations 1,2 and bricks and several CB essential packs. That gave me around 2400 songs. Then I started checking craigslist and bought 2 large lots of used dics from 2 guys that were getting out of the business.

I don't need mics or a computer either. Just strictly the audio equipment.

If I can get quality for less than $3000, that would be great!!!!!

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

What is your venue like? Small (20-40 capasity), Medium (40-80 capasity), Large (80+)?

Author:  oicclouds [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

TopherM @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:03 am wrote:
What is your venue like? Small (20-40 capasity), Medium (40-80 capasity), Large (80+)?

Medium--around 70 capacity.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

oicclouds @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:50 am wrote:
My budget for speakers, mixer, yada, yada, is $3000.

This is not a bad budget; and is certainly more than most KJs in my area have invested in their audio equipment.

What kind of vehicle do you plan to use? Do you have a trailer? Do any other bulky items, like lights or big stage props, take up a bunch of space in your car?

Will you have a helper or do you need to set everything up by yourself, including lifting in/out of vehicle, putting speakers on poles, etc?

Author:  oicclouds [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

jeffsw6 @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:43 pm wrote:
oicclouds @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:50 am wrote:
My budget for speakers, mixer, yada, yada, is $3000.

This is not a bad budget; and is certainly more than most KJs in my area have invested in their audio equipment.

What kind of vehicle do you plan to use? Do you have a trailer? Do any other bulky items, like lights or big stage props, take up a bunch of space in your car?

Will you have a helper or do you need to set everything up by yourself, including lifting in/out of vehicle, putting speakers on poles, etc?

We have a Chevy Astro cargo van and a dolly we bought many years ago. My husband will be helping.

No lights or props and no plans for that right now.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Soundcard: $30.00

Behringer UCA-202 --- You could get something better but this is a good start.
http://www.pssl.com/Behringer-UCA-202-2 ... -Interface

Mixer: $290.00

Yamaha MG124CX
http://www.pssl.com/Yamaha-MG124CX-12Ch ... ompression

Rack Case: $120.00

SKB DJ Shuttle
http://www.pssl.com/Yamaha-MG124CX-12Ch ... ompression

Speakers: $800.00 Each Bags for protection $80 each

http://www.pssl.com/QSC-K12-2-Way-12-Po ... ud-Speaker

Sub: $1050.00


Then you will need wires and speaker stands.

My suggestion puts you at $3090.00 without bags for protecting the speakers and wires. So I would say $3500 puts you at one of the best sounding systems in your area and it will last you a long time the speakers have a 6 year warrenty.

The speakers are very light and you should have no problem lifting and carring them.

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Here is what I would buy if I had $3000.00 to make a system right now. I heard a QSC K system last weekend and was blown away:

Main Speakers: (2) QSC K-12 ($1418.00)

http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?s ... d=74359699

Sub: (1) QSC K Sub ($999.95)

http://www.rainbowguitars.com/live-soun ... er/KSUB/QS

Mixer: Mackie PROFX8 ($229.00)


Processor/Compressor/Gate/Limiter/Feedback: DBX Driverack PX ($316.00)

This'll be pretty much the last system you ever need. It would be high-end compared to most karaoke DJs. If you picked up any smaller gigs, you could probably get away with just the K12s. Once you start making some money, pick up a rack case that can house the mixer and your computer, like this one:

http://www.greatmusicproductsonline.com ... =PRO-DJ-6U

Buy a locking rackmount drawer for the bottom section, throw some padding in there (cut your own at Home Depot), and keep your laptop and speaker wires in the drawer.

http://proaudiostash.com/product/19-inc ... /854.shtml

Here's a GOOD budget system, if you want to go this way. It'll get you started, and you'll have a good, reliable system, but I promise you'll want to upgrade once you start making some $$:

B52 Matrix PA System ($899.00)
http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.com/pr ... sku=606060

Mixer: Mackie PROFX8 ($229.00)


Processor/Compressor/Gate/Limiter/Feedback: DBX Driverack PX ($316.00)

http://www.karaokeequipment.com/dbx-dri ... t-mic.html

That's $1450.00 for a good PA, and you have money leftover for the case and drawer. When you start making some $$$, reinvest it into better speakers, but these will work just fine for a 70 person bar.

Hope that helps!!

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

I am not impressed by the Ksub. The HPR 181i is a much better powered subwoofer.

Author:  hamsamich [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

make sure the new mackie mixer's are ok. last year (before production moved to china) it had a problem with USB recording function.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

TopherM @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:45 pm wrote:
Main Speakers: (2) QSC K-12 ($1418.00)

Hope that helps!!

If you're going to spen that kind of money, go for EV ( Electrovoice) speakers....

Author:  lyquiddye [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

JoeChartreuse @ Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:39 am wrote:
TopherM @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:45 pm wrote:
Main Speakers: (2) QSC K-12 ($1418.00)

Hope that helps!!

If you're going to spen that kind of money, go for EV ( Electrovoice) speakers....

I guess the EV SxA360 would be a good option also. We have a pair of K12's and I feel they sound almost as good as mt Turbosounds. I don't know about the EV's.

I just don't like EV's powered sub options.

Author:  DJMojo [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

The equipment part is easy, especially when you have cash. Your going to get alot of opinions on here. I just recommend you take your time.

If you plan to do this as a business, treat it like one. Have a written plan.

Make sure you have a business license, insurance, and operating capital.

Take in account that you will need song books, software for hosting, video monitor, stands.cables, connectors, adapters, converters...I could go on and on. Its those little things that add up.

With 3k ,what you already have and your transportation covered you've got a good start, just spend that $$$ wisely.


Author:  oicclouds [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

DJMojo @ Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:36 am wrote:
The equipment part is easy, especially when you have cash. Your going to get alot of opinions on here. I just recommend you take your time.

If you plan to do this as a business, treat it like one. Have a written plan.

Make sure you have a business license, insurance, and operating capital.

Take in account that you will need song books, software for hosting, video monitor, stands.cables, connectors, adapters, converters...I could go on and on. Its those little things that add up.

With 3k ,what you already have and your transportation covered you've good a good start, just spend that $$$ wisely.


I am so with ya on that!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not taking any of this lightly and trying my best to learn all I can.

Above all else, I realize that it doesn't matter what I buy, but whether I can learn HOW to run it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good equipment + one clueless fool = bad sound no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! I am trying and I know it will all be hit and miss as I go!

Thanks for all the suggestions and I will spend some time reading and trying to decide what I will ultimately buy.

Author:  letitrip [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

You'll get lots of equipment suggestions here, so I'm not going to jump into that fray other than to say with your budget you should be able to get a very nice rig going. Use Ebay to your advantage as you put it together, that will help you save some $$ while still getting quality equipment. Don't fall into the trap of buying cheap garbage equipment.

The second part of your original post kinda made me chuckle. I'm very happy to hear that you know and can admit there's a lot you don't know. Many KJ's never get past that step and as a result simply suck at what they do. Start reading past threads on this board and the forums at Pro Sound Web (http://www.prosoundweb.com/). Some will be confusing but overall the more you read the more you'll start to figure out. The Study Hall section of Pro Sound Web is really good and has everything from very basic topics to very advanced topics. I encourage you to be active on their forums and ours as questions come up, search for answers or ask if you can't find what you need. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK THE DUMB QUESTIONS!!! We've all been there and had questions we felt were too dumb to bother people with. Don't fall into that trap, we all have to start learning somewhere and you'll get more respect for asking than you will for assuming incorrectly.

Another good learning tool are Mackie's manuals. Download the manual for the CFX series console or similar from the Mackie website (even if you don't buy one of their consoles). Their manuals are really well written in laymen's terms and provide a lot of background information, general concepts and diagrams that apply to more than just their models. Their hookup guides are a great tool as well.

There are also a lot of good folks on the Sweetwater forums. Not quite as basic many times but lots of good info. Check them out at http://www.sweetwater.com/forums/index.php

Whenever you become confused about a term, try Wikipedia first. Often they have great information (sometimes too advanced but many times not). Google will also be your best friend. Lookup terms that you don't understand and find resources that explain it or come here and ask.

Hope that helps, you have a lot of learning ahead of you but it is worth it.

Author:  Gryf [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

http://www.amazon.com/Sound-Reinforceme ... 0881889008

Good money to spend if you're really going to learn.

Author:  RLC [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Gryf @ Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:12 pm wrote:

Good money to spend if you're really going to learn.

:idea: Agree.

Author:  timberlea [ Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

Instead of speaker bags, use Rubbermaid or similar tubs. They will be easier to transport on the dolly . And at about $10-12 each, much cheaper.

File comment: Speker and tub
speaker and tub.jpg
speaker and tub.jpg [ 15.23 KiB | Viewed 13312 times ]

Author:  Sugee [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need help building a system for professional use....I have a budget....

oicclouds @ Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:50 am wrote:
Please help! I have a library of songs converted over to computer files, I have microphones (one SM 58 wireless, one SM 58 wired) but I need recommendations for easy to use, lower end, but quality equipment.

I am looking for something suitable for clubs up to 100 people and the occasional outdoor use. Strictly karaoke and dj only.

I am a begineer ....I will be learning as I go so please keep that in mind!

I have a few books on sound engineering but they are confusing so I was also wondering if you could recommend books written in laymen's terms to help me out!


I and my friends are at a similar point. Some of us have set up small (mainly Vocopro) systems at home, but since our group is growing we want to take our meet-ups outside. We have enough PG/SM/58 mics, music, and Kararoke players with key-control. We just want a good amp/speaker system.

Typically we are about 30-40 folks and we would go to any place where we can rent space cheap for 7-8 hours - a 30 by 20 conference room at a motel to a large church 100 by 100 church basement. We are hoping that some of us will get better and be able to get some wedding/party/charity-show gigs - the equipment has to work for that too, for events of upto 100-200 people. Also hope to put together a small band at some later date.

Therefore we are looking for a amp/speaker system that will do equally well in small venues (played in lower volumes) as well as larger venues, for karaoke as well as small band, and music tracks ranging from ballads to dance to rock. I am trying to read up on sound and audio basics in order to find an optimal PA system for our needs.

We are looking at this one right now: Yamaha EMX512SC/S115V PA Package with Monitors for $2000 including shipping. http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.com/pr ... ID=2976624

If anyone here has any thoughts on our situation, I would be most grateful if they shared them. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions and pointers.

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