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Theatre crowd
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Theatre crowd

I have been running a show for about 2.5 years that was pretty well attended, but in the last 6 months it is beginning to be monopolized by one group, namely performers/associates and friends of the local community theatre.

By monopolized i mean that on the last show I think 33-35 out of 37 singers were associated with the theater group.

In general they are a great crowd but they are pushing out my old regulars who wish to sing by shear numbers. The bar does not really appear to mind either, as the bar ends up pretty packed with just this group (its a small bar).

Before the theatre group started attending I was regularly hitting the 25-35 singer mark per thursday night, but now I am seeing many of those regulars a lot less often.

My worry is that this "Fad" may disappear with the one theatre group, and then I will have to rebuild a more diverse crowd again.

I am wondering if any other long term shows have experience with similar groups eventually moving on to different activities, or if it is an activity that that these sorts of may maintain for years, it has continued for about 6 months already.

I enjoy the group, and many of them are great singers. I also have no worry about the local community theatre disappearing as it has been maintained for about 40 years.

Author:  GeminiMALE40 [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Theatre crowd

If you have a large listing of theatre so ..you shouldnt worry about them going any where..if not then it could happen..my suggestion is build you theatre genre

Author:  mrgadget01 [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Theatre crowd

I agree with Gemini. You can't do much about the crowds but cater to them. Then try to find another night (maybe somewhere else local) and contact the others to let them know where you'll be. If you've really got that good of a following, it should be an in for a new establishment. They should welcome you with 35 potentially new clients. The get ready to raise your rates.

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