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better sound
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Author:  j1v007 [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  better sound

how do i connect an eq and efx to a yamaha emx 5014c ?

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: better sound

What do you plan to use the EQ for? The console already has a house EQ on it, are you looking for a better house EQ or one to be used on the vocal channels or what? That makes a big difference. Also it might be important to know what kind of EQ you talking about, how many channels of vocals you have (if you're using it on the vocals), etc.

Effects unit is really simple. Connect a 1/4" TRS from the "Effect" send jack on the mixer to the mono input on your effects unit. Then take the stereo output using a pair of TRS cables and connect them to the inputs on one of your stereo channels. Now use that input channel's fader to control the level of effects in the mix, use the EFX send knobs on each channel to send that channel's signal to the effects unit.

Hope that helps. With more specific information, you'd get a much better and more specific response.

Author:  LondonLive [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: better sound

As far as placing an EQ in the signal path of your mixer unfortunately the Yamaha 5014C has no provision for patching out and back into the "Mains Bus". Yamaha, for what ever reason dropped this feature after the "5000-12 / 5000-20 series powered mixers. The only option would be to use the "insert jack" located on the individual channels.

For adding an external FX processor the procedure would be as previously described by Tony, the only thing I would add is if you are using the "Effect Send" out jack make sure to turn the "Effect" knob to "0" on what ever channel you are returning to, likewise if you use the "AUX 1 or 2" jacks make sure the "AUX 1 or 2" knob is turned turned to "0" on the channel you are returning to. On your particular mixer you would want to use stereo channels 7/8 or 9/10 for your return channel.

Author:  LondonLive [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: better sound

I probably should add that neither the "effect" send jacks or the "aux 1 and 2" send jacks on the 5014 are balanced so using a TRS type cable would not be necessary, a simple TS cable would suffice.

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