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Author:  Musicologist216 [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Reggie Kelly's "ROCK 'N' SOUL" KARAOKE SHOW

[font=Garamond][size=9][size=18]Hello everyone,
Looks like this winter at the beginning of 2012 is turning out to be a mild one. THANK GOD!!!!!

I'm Reginald Kelly a DJ for the past 30 years or so. My company is THE MUSICOLOGIST-Professional Music Entertainment Services.

I've recently started doing karaoke in and around the Baltimore Metropolitan area named Reggie Kelly's "ROCK 'N' SOUL" KARAOKE SHOW. I've been doing karaoke for little over a year now.

I pride myself in eluting great personality and making each singer feel comfortable and confident by assuring the best sound possible. My slogan is "everyone is a star on my show".

You can check out my schedule on http://www.themusicologistbaltimore.com.

I am all about networking my business and spreading the word about karaoke in Baltimore. I try to attend and patronize other karaoke shows as much as possible.

I am presently ISO work on weeknights. If anyone should know of a venue that is in need or in search of a karaoke host I'd appreciate the referral.

I can be contacted at: 410-645-0495/business or 410-566-0629/cell; Monday thru Friday, between 9am-5pm or you can email me at: themusicologist@clear.net[b]

I hope to hear from you very soon. Thank you.[/size][/font][/size][/b]

Author:  mrgadget01 [ Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Reggie Kelly's "ROCK 'N' SOUL" KARAOKE SHOW

Know nothing about Baltimore, but the fact that you got more snow than we did in Ohio.

Good luck with your shows. Looks like you've got a great opportunity to add those needed nights.

See you on the posts.

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