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Author:  trav_a [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Recently i just purchased a new laptop and i am in the process of uploading all my cd's to an external hard drive. With some of the loading process the music is being uploaded correctly but the karaoke part is not working.

Once the cd is completely downloaded to the hard drive there are No words being displayed as the music is being played. Is there an issue with the file format of it being save ie; WAV, WMP....ect.????? Has anyone had a corrective method that could help solve this issue?

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

It sounds like you are not using a cdg ripper and just trying to use something that you would rip your regular audio cd's?

Try CDGRip
It's a free tool.
Then you will need a player software that can read the cdg rip. You can actually just use Winamp with a karaoke plugin.
http://www.winamp.com/plugin/cdg-plug-in/100775 to the ability to play the file
http://www.winamp.com/plugin/pacemaker/12689 for the ability to change the key
http://www.winamp.com/plugin/cdg-disk-p ... gin/147664 for the ability to play a cdg directly from your computer.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Playerwise I would go either JustKAraoke or AutoKDJ with winamp.

With AUtoKDJ you just need two downloads, three if you want to play discs, to be able to play your imported files. You install each in the order that I listed it

1: winamp www.winamp.com

2: autoKDJ www.autokdj.com

The AUtoKDJ plugin includes the MP3+G plugin and the pacemaker plugin.

JustKaraoke is a $25 hosting software that actually has the bells and whistles of the big boys while being simple to use. www.tricerasoft.com

Author:  trav_a [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Thank you for your information. Upon this topic; after downloading a CD ripper which format do i use to save the media file in so that the karaoke words will be accessed when i need it? Is there a specific way to save the audio in order for this to work properly?

Author:  Bazza [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

trav_a @ Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:05 pm wrote:
Thank you for your information. Upon this topic; after downloading a CD ripper which format do i use to save the media file in so that the karaoke words will be accessed when i need it? Is there a specific way to save the audio in order for this to work properly?


The files need to be ripped as MP3+G, which will result in TWO files for each song. An .MP3 file for the audio and a .CDG file for the graphics. Both must be present and named exactly the same for any computer based karaoke program to recognize them. Many players will also allow you to "zip" the files up into a single .zip archive and automatically decompress both files for playback.

Note: You MUST have a CD/DVD drive capable of reading CD+G subcodes in order to rip the lyrics to a .CDG file. Many drives today are not compatible.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Bazza, Most drives today will work with either CDGRip or PowerKaraoke's CDG Burner.

Author:  Bazza [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

DannyG2006 @ Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:15 pm wrote:
Bazza, Most drives today will work with either CDGRip or PowerKaraoke's CDG Burner.

You say most can. I say many cannot. The TRUTH is that 71.35% will have issues.

Of course 81.7% of all statistics are invented on the spot...23% of the time. :lol:

This is a handy tool to tell you everything you want to know about your drive:


FYI: My new VAIO laptop at work has a kick-ass, top of the line Blue Ray reader/writer. It will even write dual layer Blue Ray discs as well as every flavor of DVD. But it can't read OR write CD+G's. Weird huh.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

I'd have to say a higher percentage of dvd drives 'can'. I have Powerkaraoke & MTU Hoster & Microstudio & all of these programs read and write (not Hoster as it's not a writer) with 3 of my drives that were not cdg compatible nor worked with programs such as CDRWIN or Tricerasoft CDG Ripper to rip cdg's.

Author:  TriceraSoft1 [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Try CDG Ripper 2 - we use a method that is most compatible with most drives today that will even make semi-compatible drives (partially capable CD or DVD drives that must have software adjust, descramble, and correct the graphics to make them work). We also error correct which most programs do not, this is important if your discs are scratched or written with errors to the disc. You first try converting (or "Ripping") with the Error Correction Codes (ECC for short) and if the drive doesn't yield any graphics, you then try without ECC - at that point if the drive yields nothing, you need a different drive.

Only the original CDG Ripper from 9 years ago (the original and only ripper of it's time) required a fully capable CD-ROM (what is known as a DAO 96 drive), but the mode "Deinterleave" was added about 7 years ago.

For those looking for a CD+G capable (or semi-compatible drive) - TIPS:

1. Models from Plextor and Lite-ON models work great.
2. Look for feature specifications on the box; CD-Text, Karaoke CD, and/or DAO96.
3. If you are using the Nero Info Tool, make sure it says reads RW Channels - it helps if the Deinterleave is available but since we perform the Deinterleave it is not that important (that makes it a semi-compatible drive).
4. The easiest way to test is try - rip one track with CDG Ripper 2, play it in the Free player, if you see graphics and they are clean - Eureka! you have a kick-a** drive.
5. Don't waste money on a new drive until you try converting with your existing, but be prepared if it doesn't read.

Author:  tbreen [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

The latest version of CDGRip by the makers of Compuhost, uses the exact same method as both PowerKaraoke and Tricerasoft, and supports the exact same drives and offers ECC. with the only difference being, it's FREE!

I've used it for over 2000 rips, works great.


Author:  powerkaraoke [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

tbreen @ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:14 am wrote:
The latest version of CDGRip by the makers of Compuhost, uses the exact same method as both PowerKaraoke and Tricerasoft, and supports the exact same drives and offers ECC. with the only difference being, it's FREE!

Just wanted to point that ripping is only one of the functions of Power CD+G Burner (it also burns, copies, and converts).

Author:  Kona D [ Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

I purchased Power CD+G to make copies of my original discs. I continue to fight with cheap failing CDG players so I keep 3 on hand (we use 2 single trays for hosting). The plan is to switch over to computer hosted. I ripped some tracks from the CDG discs and the final files are .bin. Is this the best format that I should use? I read others stating that they are using .mp3 and .cdg files of the same name. I'm a little confused. Appreciate any guidance.


Author:  Bazza [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Uploading music to new laptop? NO WORDS ARE BEING DISPLAYED FOR KARAOKE AFTER UPLOAD!!

Kona D @ Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:20 am wrote:
I purchased Power CD+G to make copies of my original discs. I continue to fight with cheap failing CDG players so I keep 3 on hand (we use 2 single trays for hosting). The plan is to switch over to computer hosted. I ripped some tracks from the CDG discs and the final files are .bin. Is this the best format that I should use? I read others stating that they are using .mp3 and .cdg files of the same name. I'm a little confused. Appreciate any guidance.


When ripping with the Power Karaoke ripper, you have the option of different file formats. MP3+G is the de-facto standard these days and read by 99% of the Karaoke software out there.

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