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Music videos?
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Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Music videos?

I know there are many here that play music between singers, either a whole song or part of one.

But I was curious as to how many play videos? I've seen this at 2 shows recently and have just incorporated them myself. There's a membership site where you can download (for professional usage) music videos as well as video remixes and mashups.

I'd like to have a few more monitors in my venue for a little bigger impact, but I think it breaks up things nicely. When I have all my mics in use, I'll just go directly to a video after the song to avoid the dead air.

How do you incorporate video into your show?

Author:  DJMojo [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music videos?

One of my accounts, karaoke can get kinda slow. Instead of rotating the same 3 or 4 singers every 15 minutes, I play a set of music videos in between. It breaks things up a little and the customers love it. When I have more singers than I can handle I forget about the videos and just play bumper music till the next singer is ready to go. I've been getting my music DVDs from Promo Only for 10 years now and have around 5000 music videos.


Author:  tovmod [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music videos?

DJMojo @ Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:04 am wrote:
One of my accounts, karaoke can get kinda slow. Instead of rotating the same 3 or 4 singers every 15 minutes, I play a set of music videos in between. It breaks things up a little and the customers love it. When I have more singers than I can handle I forget about the videos and just play bumper music till the next singer is ready to go. I've been getting my music DVDs from Promo Only for 10 years now and have around 5000 music videos.


That's pretty much what I do.

However, it is not uncommon to encounter singers who don't accept that with a small rotation things should be slowed down. It's particularly troublesome for me when people with this mindset show up as group. There view is: "Oh, boy, we're the only ones here and we're gonna get to sing non-stop, back-to-back until more people show up"

And while I am trying to entertain the whole venue, such people are annoyed by long intervals between each singer. And I can't blame them, because that's exactly how I was when I started singing karaoke. So, with such a crowd, I can't put a video up or use much bumper music in between each performance. I do use a video or two at the end of the rotation!

Author:  Frank V. [ Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music videos?

I use DVD music videos and have a monthly subscription with ERG Music.
When there's a small group, I play one of the videos instead of putting
myself in the singing rotation.

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