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Last Blast Ideas
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Author:  obcity [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Last Blast Ideas

One of my venues is going to be closing its doors for good in March, but about two weeks before that is going to be my two-year anniversary show at that bar. Since it's going to be my last big event there, I wanted to make it the best party I possibly could. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas that would help make it a fitting last blast at a beloved bar. Thoughts?

Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Blast Ideas

They're not keeping you for their last 2 weeks in business? If not, then it's YOUR party and anything special will have to come out of your pocket unless the management wants to kick in. Although I'm thinking...why would they if they're closing the door in 2 weeks? Anything special they have to get rid of (T-shirts, other giveaways, drink specials) they would probably save for their own going away party to thank the patrons who come in all week, not just for karaoke.

If you ARE staying until the end, I wouldn't try to eclipse the bar's last blast with an anniversary one of your own. If you're not staying, do things that will build your "brand" like items with your company name on them, giving away coupons for shots and drinks (the bar will probably give you these at "wholesale" if you're buying a bunch) so the folks will have good memories of YOU and hopefully follow to your next gig.

Good luck!

Author:  obcity [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Blast Ideas

I should clarify. The bar is going out of business slowly because they simply can't afford to continue. When the end comes, it's going to come with a whimper. I want to provide a little bit of a bang. Anything I do is going to have to come out of my own pocket, so I'm not looking to go nuts. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas of how to add something special to what is almost certain to be my last big show at the venue. Last year, for the one-year anniversary, I ran a mystery song contest, held a raffle for fun but inexpensive prizes, and even gave everybody Girl Scout Cookies. I want to do something different this time, but I'm a little short of ideas.

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Blast Ideas

Buy a keg from the bar (see if you can get the owner to cut you a bit of a break on it) and throw a kegger!! Free beer always brings a good crowd if you advertise it (of course it also means lots of drunks) :lol:

Author:  Avg Joe [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Last Blast Ideas

letitrip @ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:58 am wrote:
Buy a keg from the bar (see if you can get the owner to cut you a bit of a break on it) and throw a kegger!! Free beer always brings a good crowd if you advertise it (of course it also means lots of drunks) :lol:

I like the way you think :D

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