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buzzy digital karaoke machine
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Author:  poptop05 [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  buzzy digital karaoke machine

We are using a Dell Inspiron 1300 as the base unit for our digital karaoke system, however when the unit is plugged in to charge. (obviously all night), a buzz sound is heard through the PA.

The louder the speakers, the louder the buzz.

Any ideas how to cure this problem

We have tried plugging the power cable to the laptop in a separate power board, no good!


Author:  Jian [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

I may be wrong, but it sound like ground loop buzz. you may want to have a look at this.

http://www.amazon.com/Xitel-GLI1-X1-Gro ... B00023XDYA

Author:  rich b [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

You could also use a 3 prong to 2 prong plug adapter available for 29 cents at your hardware store...

Author:  letitrip [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

Before you buy anything, figure out where the ground loop is coming from. Ensuring all your equipment is plugged into the same ground and eliminating multiple paths to ground is the easiest and BEST way to eliminate a ground loop. If you can't have all your equipment plugged into the same A/C source, look at where you have multiple ground paths and how you can eliminate all but one ground path (through ground lifts on the equipment if so equipped) or how you can isolate them. You can use an isolator like Jian posted but it has to be installed in the right point that will isolate the two separate ground paths from each other.

I would not recommend using a 3 conductor to 2 conductor adapter unless all other options have failed. You want to have your equipment grounded and ensure that the ground path travels through the appropriate type of conductor.

* EDIT * When looking at ground paths, don't forget that the shielding on all of your cables (RCA cables, 1/4" patch cables, VGA, USB, etc) acts as a ground path as well. I've seen the ground on an RCA video cable lead to a ground loop between my equipment and the bar's TV that I plugged into. Ground paths interconnect through all of your equipment so pay attention to all of it.

Author:  poptop05 [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

I have ordered a Ground Loop Isolator & RCA Phono Noise Filter IN & OUT

I will try this first, as per first recommendation. As soon as I unplug the laptop power charger, the buzz stops.

Will keep you all posted.

Must say I am thrilled that there are other karaoke people out there that are happy to help



Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

Dell notebooks are know for being quite noisy. Ground Loop isolators will help the problem.

High quality power conditioners any Furman over $250 will work.

Also high end amps like QSC PLX, Crown xTi, Anything EV or Dynacord will also reduce hum.

Author:  hamsamich [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: buzzy digital karaoke machine

dude, you need the humX. it is so small and nice. fixed my problem right away. I had the same thing. try that first since it is so small, cheaper and easy.

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