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How do I secure my computer and files from corruption
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Author:  karaman [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  How do I secure my computer and files from corruption

Hi, ya'll. I have a bar with my own system. I want to figure out a way to let the karaoke host access the program only to run the shows. The system: Dell with xp, running pcdj red with the kj plugin, winamp to play other dj music, and all music is on an external hd. The problem: Crazy kjs think they know everything so when they have a simple error message comes up for some magical reason all of a sudden they are puter tech experts and start the process of screwing it up worse. Then it's the midnight call I get that they just don't know what happened. I have used this stable system for 5 years with very minor glitches and no major problems. Not only do I have to make my bar furniture drunk proof now I have to make my system fool proof! Thanks all for feedback! Cheers!

Author:  Micky [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I secure my computer and files from corruption

First, I would suggest backing your karaoke files on another drive and store it in a safe place just in case :wink:

Now, for the error messages, this usually doesn't happen when running on a good stable system so I would first suspect that your system is unstable :roll: A crazy KJ like you say should be able to run a show and not have these error messages, the owner of this equipment has to provide a stable equipment. :wink:

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I secure my computer and files from corruption

Pick a different hosting program. PCDJ Red is pretty much just a player, and plays other music too. Something like CompuHost or MTU Hoster is only for karaoke.

Author:  karaman [ Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I secure my computer and files from corruption

I've got this mess figured out! Yea I will be able to sleep tonight! I found out that they were accessing the internet and doing their thing on myspace and the spyware caught a bug and they went to quarantine it they got a blue screen with a fatal error. I created a new user account with a password and they no longer have the access to the network. I backed up my files a long time ago to dvd's as it is not always a good idea to back up to another hard dive. I also went in and encrypted the zip files to read only and password protected those. Took it all for a test drive this morning and all is well. Took all of 15 minutes. Thanks for your feedback. Hope this helps others. Cheers.

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