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Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?
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Author:  slw3k [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?

I am not sure if anyone has experience with Behringer 1222FX. It has a built-in effect processor. But I would like to hook up an external effect processor. How can I disable or bypass its internal one? It is not clear to me from the manual.

Thanks in advance

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?

There is a knob above the red FX fader called "FX to main." Turn that all the way down. The mute button might accomplish the same thing, but I'm not entirely sure the mute button doesn't also mute the FX send. Try both.

To send a signal to your out-board FX device, hook its input up to the "FX SEND" 1/4" jack, which is next to the "MON" jack.

Now connect the FX outputs to your mixer, on whatever inputs you want. I suggest you use a mono or stereo channel strip. Be sure you do not turn up the FX send knob on that channel, or you will get feedback.

Author:  Murray C [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?

Both the FX SEND fader and the FX MUTE button affect the signal to the FX SEND connector. The FX TO MAIN control adjusts the stereo level output from the internal effects processor to the left and right main output channels.

Therefore, as jeffsw6 has said, turn the FX TO MAIN control all the way to the left (infinity symbol).

Connect the external effect processor to the FX SEND connector (mono signal).

The return from the external effects would normally go to the AUX RETURN 1 (Left connector for mono signal).

As jeffsw6 said, you could route the effects signal back to a different stereo channel. This gives the benefit of being able to use the channel EQ to adjust the frequency response of the effects signal. If you do this, the FX SEND control of the channel you use MUST be turned all the way left.

The FX SEND fader and FX MUTE button are used in the same way as if you were using the internal effects processor.

Be aware that unless you use the FOOTSWITCH connector to turn the internal effects processor off (indicated by a flashing dot at the bottom of the display), then it will always be on and will feed a signal to the main outputs determined by the setting of the FX TO MAIN control knob.

Author:  slw3k [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?

Thanks a lot for the excellent instruction.

Author:  Murray C [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Disable built-in effects of Behringer 1222FX?

You're welcome! I found the schematic diagram was useful in determining the functions of the controls regarding the internal effects. As it turned out, your question led to a resolution of a problem I have been having with my live sound mix... so I must thank you for helping me also ;)

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