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Yamaha EQ
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Author:  fromadistance [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Yamaha EQ

i kind of keep my eye out on ebay for equipment upgrades and came upon a Yamaha Q2031B 2ch Graphic EQ.I ended up winning the item for $75.It came in the original box and looks like new, save a couple small scratches.He said it was never in a rack and barely used.
I had been looking out for a dbx 231 until i came on this.
My question is why does the Yamaha have a list price of $629 and the dbx only $199?Is it that much better?I didn't notice a lot of differences in the specs.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yamaha EQ

Not sure why the price difference is so steep, Yamaha makes nice stuff, but their eq's have always been kind of basic IMO. But for $75 you definitely got a good deal and it should work out well. I have heard of some humming issue with that model, however the people that stated that review also said they were not using balanced cables on a long run so that may have been the issue.

Author:  fromadistance [ Thu Jan 28, 2010 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yamaha EQ

Lonman @ Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:39 pm wrote:
Not sure why the price difference is so steep, Yamaha makes nice stuff, but their eq's have always been kind of basic IMO. But for $75 you definitely got a good deal and it should work out well. I have heard of some humming issue with that model, however the people that stated that review also said they were not using balanced cables on a long run so that may have been the issue.

i'm really just finishing my hook ups but i do notice the hum you were referring to.I have short xlr cables from the main on mixer to input on eq but i have xlr to 1/4 mic cable from the output of eq to input on the amp and they are 15-20 feet long.
turn it on hum,off no hum,so i'd say it's pretty much been isolated as the culprit.If i get time,i'll probably run down all my hook ups here to make sure everything is as it should be.

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