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New Member with Compuhost problem
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Author:  DragonKaraoke [ Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  New Member with Compuhost problem

Hi, I am DragonKaraoke in Florida. I have been doing Karaoke here for about 10 years and have moved from cdg discs to computer program KJing. I was really happy with MTU's Hoster and have perfer the format but I have recently started using CompuHost. I really prefer the speed and ease in loading songs and files into CompuHost. I really could use some helpthough. I cannot get rid of the old unaccesssable files in CompuHost and hope some one can tell me how I can strt my files all overf again from scratch and get rid of all the bad files that still show up on the search but can not be accessed. Anybody out there know how I can do this ?? dragonkaraoke@juno.com

Author:  jdmeister [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member with Compuhost problem

I moved this question into Tech area.. (More views)

And welcome.. :mrgreen:

Author:  tbreen [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member with Compuhost problem

DragonKaraoke @ Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:20 am wrote:
Hi, I am DragonKaraoke in Florida. I have been doing Karaoke here for about 10 years and have moved from cdg discs to computer program KJing. I was really happy with MTU's Hoster and have perfer the format but I have recently started using CompuHost. I really prefer the speed and ease in loading songs and files into CompuHost. I really could use some helpthough. I cannot get rid of the old unaccesssable files in CompuHost and hope some one can tell me how I can strt my files all overf again from scratch and get rid of all the bad files that still show up on the search but can not be accessed. Anybody out there know how I can do this ?? </a><i><span style=font-size:9px>send me an email</span></i><a>

You may wish to join the Compuhost Users Forums provided on their website, www.karaokeware.com, the users are really friendly and helpful.

Anyway, if I understand your question correctly...

To completely rebuild your songlist in CH, just select the " Rebuild Entire Songlist" as the Update Action when importing/cataloging your files. This will in effect restart your songlist from scratch.

In addition to the User's Forums, I'd suggest referencing the User's Manual for questions such as this, it is pretty informative. As an alternative, you can visit the online version of the documentation at this link...

Hope this helps,

Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member with Compuhost problem

Yes, I rebuild entire songlist pretty often as I have removed a lot of garbage from my collection. Compuhost is pretty good about saving history where it can.

Then you have the occasional defective track. You can flag them (in the songlist display) so that you don't use them. After a while, re-rip the CDG to get a good copy of the file and then unflag it.

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