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Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.
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Author:  Karen K [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

http://www.shure.com/stellent/groups/pu ... orm_us.pdf

Shure is offering rebates, so check out your Shure wireless gear - you may qualify.

Author:  Cueball [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

can't view that URL... I get "The file is damaged and can not be repaired."

Author:  Karen K [ Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

http://www.shure.com/stellent/groups/pu ... orm_us.pdf

weird, worked for me...both times....???

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I still can't get into that link.... Maybe there's some broken link (picture or something else) that is on that page which won't open under my current ISP. That happens to me a lot with AO-Hell, but this time I'm using Firefox.

Author:  jr2423 [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

It works for me with IE.

Author:  Karen K [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

You can google Sure 700 mhz FCC and you'll find a lot of info. Thankfully none of my cordless (I have 4) fall under the 700 Mhz category so I'm okay. PHEW. Didn't want to replace 2 handhelds and 2 headsets. Off topic a little, I see Mackie has a new 12-channel board coming out at the end of the month - built-in effects, hi/mid/lo adjustments on mics - for under $300. I'm losing channels on my board now - will pick up the new one, have the other one gone through, and have a spare - since I'm doing 3 shows a week now I have to have backup.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

cueball @ Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:29 pm wrote:
I still can't get into that link.... Maybe there's some broken link (picture or something else) that is on that page which won't open under my current ISP. That happens to me a lot with AO-Hell, but this time I'm using Firefox.

Both work for me and I am using Firefox. Must be with the ISP.

Author:  Micky [ Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

DannyG2006 @ Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:18 pm wrote:
cueball @ Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:29 pm wrote:
I still can't get into that link.... Maybe there's some broken link (picture or something else) that is on that page which won't open under my current ISP. That happens to me a lot with AO-Hell, but this time I'm using Firefox.

Both work for me and I am using Firefox. Must be with the ISP.

Same here, works on both Firefox & IE :wink:

Author:  DJ DANGERUS [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Getting in cheap... What do you think.... Still got till June 12th. http://salem.craigslist.org/msg/1562118458.html

Author:  masterblaster [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Buy em' and use untill June. :lol:

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Or buy an SM58 that will last forever....I see GC has them at $75 on special. Maybe the $99 price they've had them at forever is going to drop down a little bit.

Author:  diafel [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Karen K @ Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:15 am wrote:
Or buy an SM58 that will last forever....I see GC has them at $75 on special. Maybe the $99 price they've had them at forever is going to drop down a little bit.

GC? What is that? Sorry if I'm having a brain fart!

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Guitar Center

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I finally got around to checking the SHURE link regarding the FCC Regulations. The Model/Unit I am using is the U4D-UB, and that's on their list of Mics that you can't use after June 12, 2010.

Since I hardly do any shows, it really doesn't pay for me to invest in another set of GOOD Cordless Mics (where the signal doesn't break or get interference, and the Mics sound good, and they are solid enough to stand up to possible abuse). I won't qualify to get any rebates on these Mics, so I guess I will be going back to using Corded Mics at my shows when the deadline comes around.

Author:  stogie [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I just clicked on the link, I thought you could send it in to get the frequency changed, but it doesn't look that way. You can also sell it to someone in Canada, they don't have this change coming in the 700mhz range.

Author:  Jian [ Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I just got this email :

from Shure <customerservice@livesoundint.com>
date Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:55 AM

The Time To Act Is Now For Wireless Mic Users

Deadline For Comments February 22, 2010

After nearly 35 years, the Federal Communications Commission is considering expanding its licensing rules for wireless microphones, in-ear monitors, production intercom systems, and similar equipment that operates in the television broadcast (VHF and UHF) band.

Until now, only broadcasters, motion picture and television program producers, and similar entities were eligible for licenses. The FCC is aware that wireless microphones are used today by musical performers, houses of worship, theaters, schools, businesses, and many other types of entities.

The FCC permits wireless microphone operation either with or without a license. However, in the near future, licensed users may be afforded greater protection against interference from future consumer wireless TV Band Devices (both fixed and portable) that will operate in the same spectrum as wireless microphones.

The FCC is seeking comments from wireless users that will assist them in determining who should be eligible for a wireless microphone license. They need to know how you use wireless systems and how your productions and/or your business would be affected by sporadic interference from new TV Band Devices.

If you rely on wireless audio equipment, it is critical that you submit comments to the FCC before the deadline of February 22, 2010.

For guidelines on how you can submit comments on this issue, send an email message to wirelessmicrophones@shure.com. You will receive a reply message with details on what information must be included in your comments and how to file them with the FCC.

Author:  Cueball [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Jian.... What does that all mean?

"The FCC permits wireless microphone operation either with or without a license. However, in the near future, licensed users may be afforded greater protection against interference from future consumer wireless TV Band Devices (both fixed and portable) that will operate in the same spectrum as wireless microphones.

The FCC is seeking comments from wireless users that will assist them in determining who should be eligible for a wireless microphone license. They need to know how you use wireless systems and how your productions and/or your business would be affected by sporadic interference from new TV Band Devices."
End Quote

Does that mean we now have to get a license to operate with a Cordless Mic through the FCC? Does this mean they (The FCC) might allow those that have the Mics which fall in that 700 mhz range to continue using them?

The SHURE Mics that I currently use are (IMO) the best Cordless Mics I have ever had or heard. To those of you who are using Cordless Mics that fall into this (in the future) forbidden range, what do you plan to do as the June 2010 deadline approaches? For those of you who have Cordless Mics that Have been approved for useage, what brand and model are you using? How do you rate them (quality and endurance)?

Author:  Jian [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

Jian.... What does that all mean?

I don't really know. There may be a requirement for licensing. This does not concern users outside of the US. The reason I post the email that i got from shure is because some KJs here may not get that email and such info may be of interest to them. Some Googling may be required to get more info.

Author:  Jian [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I just got another email, this time from the editors of Live Sound International and ProSoundWeb.com. The link in the email may be of interest to some people here:

http://www.prosoundweb.com/article/wire ... _deadline/


Author:  ripman8 [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cordless Mics 700 mhz -- June 2010 FCC Deadline.

I do not see on my mics where it tells what MHz they are.

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