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Behringer EPX3000
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Author:  BlueRose [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Behringer EPX3000

[font=Verdana] I recently purchased two
Peavey PR15 subwoofers to compliment my system.
• Specs are as follows:
• 400/800 Watts power handling
• One premium 15-inch woofer with 2.5-inch voice coil
I am presently running a
VocoPro mixer PKJ9090Pro (this mixer does have a preamp)

2 Peavey Impulse 1012 PA Speaker
500 watts (continuous, 1,000W program, 2,000 peak),

A Behringer EP2500 amp
2 x 1,200 Watts into 2 Ohms; 2,400 Watts into 4 Ohms bridged operation
2-channel, parallel or bridged mono operating modes for flexible application

1. Do I need to purchase another amp to run the subwoofers? If so, what power?
2. What would be the best way to hook up the speakers?
3. Does anyone have any information about the Behringer EPX3000. This amp weighs only 22lbs which would be big bonus for me as I am not able to lift a lot of weight.

Author:  letitrip [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Behringer EPX3000

OK first of all yes you'll need both an amp and a cross-over or PA Management Processor to connect your subs. However, you've got some other issues with your rig. Your current amp is seriously underpowered for the speakers you have. Your Peavey's as you mentioned handle 500W RMS and 1000 continuous and have a nominal impedance of 8 ohms. This means you want an amp that can deliver a minimum of 500W per channel at 8 ohms and ideally one capable of at least 1000W at 8 ohms. The EP2500 only delivers 450W/ch at 8 ohms. Honestly that amplifier would be a better match for the subs you have.

That works out nice because I don't think the EPX would be a real good subwoofer amp anyway. The EP2500 is a heavier duty amp which will likely perform better when dealing with power hungry low end reproduction needs.

So here's what I'd suggest using the equipment you've described). Switch the EP2500 over and use it for the subs. Use the EPX3000 (capable of 500W at 8 ohms) for the Impulse speakers. You still need a crossover, so if you're trying to keep costs down, find a used 2-way cross-over somewhere. If you don't mind spending a little more look for a DriveRack PA processor. Either will work.

Ideally in your situation, I'd be looking for even a larger amp for your 2-way speakers. Unfortunately I also think your subs are not a good match for your full-range cabinets. But you've got what you've got to make do.

(BTW: The EPX has a built in cross-over which I'm guessing is why you were looking at it in the first place. Unfortunately it doesn't include a high pass out so even if you used it for the subs, you'd still need a separate crossover)

EDIT: Oops, I forgot your hook-up question. The outputs from your mixer would connect to the inputs on the cross-over. The low outputs on your cross-over would then connect to the EP2500, the mid-high outputs would connect to the inputs on the EPX3000. Connect the speakers to the amps as suggested above.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Behringer EPX3000

I own two EPX3000s which I use for top cabinets. letitrip is right, they are not great subwoofer amps; but those subs need a fairly high HPF and do not need a ton of power, so the EPX3000 is probably okay for them. You certainly will want an outboard crossover / DSP to protect your subs from damage and be able to adjust the crossover point to the tops.

The EP2500/EP4000 is my current subwoofer amp of choice. I would like to have better ones but these are $325ea vs $2000+ for a real upgrade, so I'm not going to upgrade them anytime soon. :)

Author:  BlueRose [ Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Behringer EPX3000

[font=Verdana] Thank you both so much for your input and advice. I really appreciate the help. Dusty [/font]

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