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I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...
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Author:  birdofsong [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

We have an extra set sitting around, and have decided to offer it up for sale.

These have been used lovingly and are in great condition. Make an offer.


I also have a few extra single discs...

Author:  toqer [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

I need disk #98. It has I touch myself right?

Author:  timberlea [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

Depending on price, I'm interested.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

OK I'll make you an offer, how bout $50 plus shipping (actual shipping cost).

Author:  birdofsong [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

Let me rephrase that, Rumbolt...make me a SERIOUS offer.

FYI: Doo Wop is selling the DK discs they have left for $30 each. I wouldn't ask nearly that, but I don't want to be insulted, either.


Author:  Ronny D. [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

I'm more than glad I bought my set off of eBay over a year ago. My my, inflation!

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

No intent to insult you, I figured that if you said yes, I'd score. Can't blame me for trying.

What do you figure you'd take for the lot?

Author:  johnreynolds [ Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

Julie, I will start the bidding at $600 including shipping to hawaii! -john

Author:  toqer [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

I believe this set cost $3k when it was new right?

Author:  birdofsong [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

toqer @ Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:27 am wrote:
I believe this set cost $3k when it was new right?

Yep. Enough to make you cry.


Author:  c. staley [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

Call it 4k actually at $3,999.00 since they were $39.00 each at the time.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

I got mine some time ago on Ebay for $800.

I would put fair market value $800 to $1000.

Author:  toqer [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

Yah I was gonna say $4k but I didn't want to look dumb :/

Julie what you have on your hands is probably worth at least it's original retail cost. Some folks might disagree with me, but the fact that this was the one and only set ever produced for the USA by DK/Daiichikosho it stands to reason that you have what I would consider to be a collectors item.

BTW in case anyone is wondering, DK/Daiichikosho is still in business;

They just don't distribute to the US anymore. I'm not even sure if they still deal with American songs.

Another interesting note, if you look at the DK being distributed on SuperCDG, the copyright dates are identical to the ones on the original DKG set. It's why I don't put any merit into folks saying all superCDG's are legit.

I wouldn't settle for any less than $2500.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

There are people selling pre loaded hard drives for $500 or less with over 100,000 songs on them and you think that someone in today's karaoke environment is going to spend $2500 for 1,800 songs??? Good Luck with that. Many people who have transferred or format shifted their songs from discs to hard drives are now trying to get some of their original investments back by selling off their discs. Not accusing anyone of anything but there seems to be a lot of that going on these days. I don't think that anyone from DK will be filing law suits a la Sound Choice so selling off DK discs seems like a safe bet.

Author:  c. staley [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

BruceFan4Life @ Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:24 am wrote:
There are people selling pre loaded hard drives for $500 or less with over 100,000 songs on them and you think that someone in today's karaoke environment is going to spend $2500 for 1,800 songs??? Good Luck with that. Many people who have transferred or format shifted their songs from discs to hard drives are now trying to get some of their original investments back by selling off their discs. Not accusing anyone of anything but there seems to be a lot of that going on these days. I don't think that anyone from DK will be filing law suits a la Sound Choice so selling off DK discs seems like a safe bet.

And Bruce, I'm sure that all the "compilation discs" that singers bring us to play all came from the original discs too.... "Not accusing anyone of anything' of course...."

I have several SC8125 discs that are still in their original shrinkwrap.... I'm sure you would say that they are worthless too....

And I will bet anyone dollars-to-donuts that ANY SuperCDG that contains DK tracks are illegal.

Author:  srnitynow [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

The few DK (originals) that are selling on Ebay, are $14.40ea. and that's NOT a complete set. So I would guess, using that as a guide, that yours would be worth about $1500.00. I'm not even going to speculate if you can sell them for that, but I would think that could be "estimated market value". I mentioned in another post, that I will be buying the millenium set on SCDG. I know that c. staley thinks they are illegal, but in MY opinion, I'm buying them from a legitimate seller, (until proven otherwise), and that my library will be as legal as anyone elses.


Author:  birdofsong [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

BruceFan4Life @ Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:24 am wrote:
There are people selling pre loaded hard drives for $500 or less with over 100,000 songs on them and you think that someone in today's karaoke environment is going to spend $2500 for 1,800 songs??? Good Luck with that. Many people who have transferred or format shifted their songs from discs to hard drives are now trying to get some of their original investments back by selling off their discs. Not accusing anyone of anything but there seems to be a lot of that going on these days. I don't think that anyone from DK will be filing law suits a la Sound Choice so selling off DK discs seems like a safe bet.

Regardless of what "people" are doing, that is not the case here. And it's people hawking these Super CDG'S (and if they're legal,I'm the Queen of England) that's devaluing the truly rare original sets.


Author:  srnitynow [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

So, are you saying that anyone that buys SCDG's are not going to have a LEGAL library? What about the Chartbuster SCDG vol. 1-6, are they illegal also? Or the Nutech 1-3. Which are illegal, and WHAT makes them ILLEGAL? I'm sorry that you think, by me purchasing what I concider a BARGAIN, that I am de-valueing your library, but I have to do what I think is best for MY business. And, AGAIN, until they are PROVEN to be illegal, SCDG's are a bargain, and in MY opinion worth the investment.


Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

The karaoke singer who buys a loaded hard drive from E-bay to use in his house is never going to be investigated by Sound Choice. If that same singer burns discs from his hard drive and brings them to his local karaoke shows, most KJ's will play the discs. I agree with you that many people today have lots of music that they don't own an original disc of. That is exactly why I believe that the value of original discs have dropped rather than increased. My local KJ will burn any disc he has for a customer for 5 or 10 bucks. As long as it plays well on my karaoke machine, I'd rather pay 10 dollars for a copy of his SC 8125 than buy an original disc in it's original shrink wrap for a couple of hundred dollars. To my layman's ears, they both sound the same.

Author:  c. staley [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I have an original set of DK 1-99 discs for sale...

srnitynow @ Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:55 am wrote:
So, are you saying that anyone that buys SCDG's are not going to have a LEGAL library? What about the Chartbuster SCDG vol. 1-6, are they illegal also? Or the Nutech 1-3. Which are illegal, and WHAT makes them ILLEGAL? I'm sorry that you think, by me purchasing what I concider a BARGAIN, that I am de-valueing your library, but I have to do what I think is best for MY business. And, AGAIN, until they are PROVEN to be illegal, SCDG's are a bargain, and in MY opinion worth the investment.


What I AM saying is that if you've purchased SCDG's that contain DKKaraoke, then those tracks ARE illegal.... Just because you purchased something that is a "bargain" in your book, doesn't make it legal. You're the one purchasing literally "stolen property" and it's not up to me to prove that it's illegal... why can't you prove that it IS legal? Because you can't. I CAN prove that these discs ARE legal with no question.

So, what you think "is best for your business" cannot be proven even by you, that it is legal.

Just because you buy something from a legitimate "store" doesn't make it legal. Nutech, All Hits, Dangeroius, KJ Tools etc. were ALL sold by "stores." Which still doesn't make them legal. [/b]

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