We, as KJ's, must be professional no matter how we hear about KJ's who sneak in and try to snake the gig away.
Those who know me, knows I treat all of them with utmost respect, yes I do have 75% of the visiting KJ's who find a way to squeeze a few patrons about "their show", even though I make it a point to mention their gigs.
I even have the worst type that comes in, he goes to the back of the bar and tells everyone there, that my show is to young and the music I play is horrible, unfortunately he doesn't realize, "WE DON'T PICK THE SONGS"...maybe he should ask himself this question, "Why are you here trying to get customers"?
Don't your shows have enough singers?
Thank god my guests don't sing and eat steaks at the same time...

(he does a steak house karaoke show)