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Sax & Dottie's Zip Player 1.5
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Author:  kokomo [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Sax & Dottie's Zip Player 1.5

I used to use Winamp and Sax & Dottie's to sing online (Paltalk) on my old XP. I got away from it for a while and then in the interim got a new computer (Vista 64 bit) I've d/l Winamp and Sax and Dottie's on this one, but I keep getting an error message when I try to start it all up. It says "failure to create Registry Key" and i think the error code is 26001. Any suggestions? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and even using an older version of Winamp. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!

Author:  vtrod [ Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax & Dottie's Zip Player 1.5

Hi Kokomo

Sax and Dotty will only work on Vista If User Account Control (UAC) is switched off, follow the instructions below to do this:

1. Open control Panel / User Accounts

2. In the right hand pane there is a link that says 'Turn User Account Control on or off' , Click this link and then untick the box in the next dialog box that is shown.

I hope this helps.


Vic in Sydney

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