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Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please
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Author:  nymitch1 [ Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

Hi everyone...

I just got my Carvin XP 800L Amp + LM-15 speakers today and all I can say is WOW. Very powerful, yet clean sound. I am newbie so please excuse my very basic question. Why do I need to dial in 5 or 6 for decent mic levels, when the CDG player plugged in through line level is very loud at just 1-2. Am I setting something wrong?
I am using an M68 Carvin mic.

As a follow up question, I bought a pair or Carvin SS20 speaker stands and they seem way too high (at their lowest setting) for basement use. The speakers themselves are about 28" high, and I have a low drop ceiling. I really do not want to leave the speakers on the floor. Any recommendations on lower stands?

Thanks as always to the knowledgable members of this forum.


Author:  Lonman [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

Everything that plugs into a mixer is going to have different gain structure, which is why it is adjustable. As long as you are not clipping the channel with the mics at 5 or 6, then you are fine if the overall mix sounds good. Sounds like you are doing fine.
Speakers should be just above your head - in a club that means at least 6 feet so to get over people walking and dance floors. How high are the stands?

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

Most speaker stands have simple poles with holes drilled through them, and a pin that is used to hold the pole at the desired height. If this is the type you own, you could take the poles to a shop with appropriate tools and have more holes drilled. With the right drill bit for cutting through metal, which probably sells for $10 at Home Depot, you could even do it yourself if you own a common power drill and a vice or something else to hold the pole steady.

Someone might say it is unsafe to modify speaker flying hardware, even poles or stands; and I would not suggest doing this for poles that will be used in public venues. If you are just doing it at home, though, most people have tons of Do-It-Yourself stuff in their houses and I do not see anything wrong with this.

Author:  heresmike [ Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

I just bought the Carvin XP1000L-LM15 PA system and loving it. Had our first karaoke party at home and had a blast.

I am glad you mentioned the speaker stands as I was going to order those but may hold off based on your information.

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

Something to keep in mind with those speakers, if you're thinking in terms of the height of your typical home stereo speakers, stop thinking that way now. Even with a low ceiling, you want the speakers to be high enough that the horns (the top driver in the cabinet) are at or above head level. They should be much closer to the ceiling than to the floor, this is a change from what you'd expect with home stereo speakers.

Author:  nymitch1 [ Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin XP800L Amp Question - Help Please

Thanks so much for the advice Tony I ended up buying a pair of stands at guitar center ($50 for the pair) and they fit better in the room. They are now overhead and sit about 1 ft from the ceiling...sound out of these Carvins is really great. For the price...I got a sweet deal on this amp and 15" speaker system.

Again, many thanks to all..

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