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Convincing a bar owner........
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Author:  outlaw [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Convincing a bar owner........

Here's my situation. Any and all replies/opinions would be greatly appreciated.

I have had a wednesday show at this particular bar for the past year and a half. When I started it I would get about 20-25 people in there. Within 2 months it became a standing-room-only bar with about 120+ people on Wednesday night there, and it has been like that since. Back in January, (after the super bowl) I talked to the owner about picking up a monday night. She was hesitant but March 1st she decided to "try" it for 8 weeks. After the Super Bowl there were no more than 3-8 people in the bar until I started the monday show. My first monday show I had roughly 35 people there and in the 8 weeks it grew to about 65-80 people (drinkers/singers) WITHOUT affecting the wednesday night at all. This past monday she decided to drop it on that night because..."I don't think it's really working on mondays". The bar tender, waitresses and cook all think she's out of her mind because the bar went from $300 monday nights to over $1200 and the staff was pulling in 10 times as many tips. I offered to reduce my price for that night from 150 to 125 for 4 weeks to save her a few bucks and further build the crowd. I had already gave her a $25 break on the 150 price because my wed night is @ 175. I tried every and all powers of persuasion I have but to no avail. I don't want to push the issue too hard and make her mad and have her drop the wednesday night, but I would like to keep that night going. This is the only bar in the area (within 15 miles) doing karaoke on either of those nights and it's always packed.

Should I just NOT push the issue OR does someone else out there have an idea, method or proven "sales pitch" that I could approagh her with to get her to give it another go? (NO CONTESTS though)

I have 2 other shows and am about to start another 1 June 1st but 5 shows a week is better than 4.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Monday is a tough night in any city.. let it go.. go with the 4.

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Tell her to look at the books from before you started, to when you're doing it.

Basically, she's going to have to cut her own throat here...

AND remind her that if she opts to want to bring it back, the cusotmers she upsets about the cancelling of Mondays may require a lot of time for them to try you back...

Been there, done THIS a time or two!

And basically, what Brian has said... is all true. Mondays are NOTORIOUSLY difficult!

Author:  pkircher [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I say let it go. If you are bringing that many people on a monday night I'm sure another place in the area would be more than happy to have them in their bar. Go to another place and tell the owner how many people you bring on a monday and They'll probably beg to pay you the $175. Good Luck!

Author:  Fasman [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

SPROCKET tsk tsk

Squeaky wheel gets the grease my friends.......mention it to the crowd and make sure that they know to tell the owner if she has 30 people CHEW her out perhaps she will change her mind.

You are a professional doing a professional job. Show her once again the facts and FIGURES who in their right miond can argue with that.

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for your jobs....

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Apr 28, 2004 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

There is a strategy behind what I just said and PK brought it up..

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